HELP baby bunnies with dyeing mom


Apr 20, 2020
100 mile house, BC, Canada
hey i really need help ASAP. momma bunny gave birth to 5 live and 1 dead babies, i dont know what is happeneing but she hasnt eaten, drank or passed stool for quite awhile. (2 days before delivery) the litter is 2 days old so she hasnt done any of that for 3 full days. she has also been dripping blood. she hasnt been able to produce much milk so i need to transfer her litter over. is it okay to give her litter to an excellent mother who already has 5, 3 week old babies? can i just leave the box there or should i pull her out (she will nurse them)
i dont think anything can be done to help the momma but i really want to save her babies.
(PS momma #1 is a really bad parent, scattered the babies, didnt pull fur, wont nurse and has attacked/ tried to kill them)
Foster the babies to another doe if you can ASAP. That is their only hope. Rabbit breeders foster babies all the time to even out litters. Rub a little tattoo ink or something on their ears so you can later identify the fostered babies.
You can also do a dab of nail polish on the top of there fur, not touching there skin.
Foster the babies to another doe if you can ASAP. That is their only hope. Rabbit breeders foster babies all the time to even out litters. Rub a little tattoo ink or something on their ears so you can later identify the fostered babies.
Okay I put them in. They don't have any fur yet being 2 days old but is it necicary? The other babies are 3 weeks and running around.
Vet might not be a bad idea
She is a meat breeding rabbit and I am doubtful even with a vet she would make it. I am probably just going to put her down. It is not worth a couple hundred bucks and 3 hours on the extremely dangerous roads (had a 5 minute drive yesterday and had to spend 2 hours shoveling our car out of 5 feet of snow) just to loose her. Even if she made it she appears to be a bad parent so wouldn't be able to pay her keep.

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