Help! Baby chick with odd looking neck!

quail gggggggggg

Dec 15, 2018
Ok. So I hatched out some quail chicks, and at about 3 days of age, my chick started looking like this. What is wrong? Thanks. The chick is in the middle.
Oh, I forgot to say that the chick is running around, eating, and drinking just as good as the other birds. I am seriously baffled. I am putting sav a chick electrolyte in their water, and feeding 26% protein game bird starter. Could this be a result of inbreeding perhaps?
Oh, I forgot to say that the chick is running around, eating, and drinking just as good as the other birds. I am seriously baffled. I am putting sav a chick electrolyte in their water, and feeding 26% protein game bird starter. Could this be a result of inbreeding perhaps?
Treat as posted above for wry neck.

Quail need high protein feed and the parent flock likely did not get the correct feed making a deficit for the chicks
The adult quail were fed the exact same 26 percent feed at the time the eggs were layed. This only showed up 2 days ago, so could it be an injury?
It could be, I suppose, but I doubt it'd be so active if it were. The NutriDrench won't hurt even if it's not wry neck. It's a vitamin supplement. I give it to all my chicks right after I receive a shipment. It brought my BO from facing to thrive to thriving. I mix it in their water for the first few weeks, too (I mix it so that it resembles weak tea and change the water twice a day). I've not had any of the usual chick problems since.

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