Help baby with a "dead" leg


8 Years
Oct 26, 2011
Ok i Just hatch my first and only chick the only out of 9 eggs
but i named it gross because it was the girst chick i seen move inside the egg, but any who gross piped and i helped break the membrane just in the hole she broke because i had one die because of not having enough air, but she started breaking her egg up and got 3/4 the way done after 28 hr of her pip so i helped her because she could have just fallen out at that point, but i noticed yesterday(today was her first full day out) her one leg goes straight to the back so i took her out and checked it out and it has nothing, no movement or feeling i think. She can not walk just pushes her self around, what would have done this and what can help (please do not say take her out of any misery she may be in because i have faith she will make it she is a fighter, being my first hatch and the temp and humity not being right all the time) i have add pics for y'all to see. and gross has now been named uno!!


Looks like spraddle leg. There's a bunch of info here on it on how to make a splintand whatnot. I did for one of my chicks and it worked great. She had a leg backwards just like yours. I took a bandaid and wrapped them around each of the legs. The gauze in the middle was the perfect length to keep the legs and the other leg couldn't shoot backwards. She couldn't move much and the other chicks pecked at it alot so I separated her. She scooted around and was able to eat fine. The only thing I have heard is it should be done immediately if possible or otherwise the later you do it, the chances of failure increases. Good luck! Oh and since she's alone, get her a stuffed animal. And spend lots of time with her. They can get very lonely.
Well sad news gross(renamed uno) passed away tonight around 9:10pm
Rip uno thank you everyone who helped! We may not have had her long but thank god for her short time with us she made us very happy for a bit!
awww...I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you get beyoer luck on your hatches.

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