Help Beetles are attacking my clematis !


8 Years
Mar 19, 2011
My beautiful clematis growing across their pen roof that gives my girls so much shade is loaded with the seasonal Virginia beetle invasion. I applied DE last night with no affect . I need something that will have quick knockdown. I'm hesitant to use Seven which we have had good luck with but that was before having chickens.
Not sure what to advise. I can tell you we used seven on our grapes this year when jap. beetles attacked, and it didn't affect my chickens, who hang around our grapes quite a bit...
Thanks. I'm leaning towards applying the Sevin will hold off a little while hopefully will get a consensus. We have used it in our kennel and yard around our terriers for years and it's basically marigolds which is very safe but when you read the literature it's deer in the headlights
Oh South TX it's pretty toasty and dry two strikes against clematis
. This morning when I went out to let the girls out I took the grass rake and knocked a ton of the beetles down . Glad we don't have close by neighbors....
, many fell into the pen but my girls didn't think much of em. Must have tasted bad . We have clematis growing in our driveway I'll send you some LOL!
The Japanese beetles just about ate up my clematis this year. The kids had fun plucking the beetles off. I had to put up multiple traps.
put chicken roosts w/ladder about 1/2 chicken height below the clematis... and let the girls keep their own pen clean :)
Is this just like a totally bad year for beetles of all sorts??? All my squash got eaten by beetles even after I copiously applied Seven and DE.... arghhhhh

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