Help! Bleeding silkie!

Can you possibly take her to the vet? That does not sound good but could possibly be an infection of sorts. I'm so sorry for you! I raise silkies and hate having sick birds. Right now one of mine has wry neck.its very difficult. I pray she heals! I've actually not heard of bleeding before so I can't be of more help. Perhaps someone else can
If possible I'd take her to the doctor . good luck.
Could they have gotten into rat poison? Infectious Laryngeotrachieitis (LT), I believe can cause bleeding from the nose. Hopefully, it is not one of those. Was it pecked by another chicken?
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Could she have been hit or pecked in the head? Sounds like a head injure but like I said I'm not familiar with the bleeding. Is there a chance she was pecked in the head? I would separtate her and if you absoultly can not take her to the doctor I'd watch her as closely as I could. Perhaps a anti inflammatory but I'm not sure what to use. I know if you use aspirin it will make the bleeding worse.perhaps you can get a consult with a doctor.I know online at First State Vet Supply there is an area that you can get a consultation with Dr Brown. Its a small fee but he is very good and helpful. It is very much worth it. He's helped me through some tough times with my birds. You might consider talking to him and see what he can help you with. If you go to the first state vet supply web site and enter the store on the lower right hand corner is the area for consultation he WILL get back to you and help you. That's what I would do if I couldn't get her to the vet. I do hope this information is helpful and strongly suggest you speak with Dr Brown. I know he can help. I wish I could be of more help and wish you the best for you and your bird.
Are there any other signs at all? The blood would scare me too but you really need to check the bird over well to make sure nothing is missed. Just in case do you have any antibiotics there for the birds?
I separated her and dabbed the blood with a wet cotton ball, then with a cotton ball with a liiiiittle antibiotic spray on it. It looks like she has a peck mark on like, the bridge of her nose. I couldn't watch her though cus I was running late for work :( back for lunch, she seems fine, moving around a bit. I'll inspect her closer and report back..
If it's brain damage, what could be done? I'll def check with Dr. Brown if I need to, what's the fee?
Thank you guys!
Sounds like a peck. Clean her up. Keep her away from the others until she heals....otherwise the other girls will pick at the sore again and possibly do more damage. Good luck!
The bleeding has stopped and she's walking around and moving fine... I only see one peck mark on her beak though, could that make the ears bleed? Would a hen peck the beak and BOTH ears?
Will the blue antibiotic spray suffice? I can just dab it on, but I don't want to if it'll harm her delicate little nose and ears!
The bleeding has stopped and she's walking around and moving fine... I only see one peck mark on her beak though, could that make the ears bleed? Would a hen peck the beak and BOTH ears?
Will the blue antibiotic spray suffice? I can just dab it on, but I don't want to if it'll harm her delicate little nose and ears!
If you're talking about Blu-Kote, it won't hurt her at all. Yes they could have pecked her ears as well or it could just be that the blood ended up there from the peck you found on the beak. I'm sure there were some fancy moves going on when she was being pecked. Check her ears as best you can and see if there are any signs of pecking or anything else. I agree with separating her as well and you might also want to think about getting either Bitter Apple spray or Phooey. If you put some of that on her as well as the Blu-Kote, especially the Phooey, they'll think twice about pecking her again. You can find boh the Bitter Apple or the Phooey in pet store, probably in the dog section. It is an anti-bite, chew, whatever you want to call it. Just spray it on a Q-tip and apply to the beak and the rest of the head area avoiding the eyes and you'll be good to go.

If there were a brain injury, I would thin something would have shown up by now. Staggering, blindness or blurry vision, walking in circles, something.
I'm starting to worry again! I think she might be doing worse, I haven't seen her eat or drink anything when I was with her for a few hours this morning and again this evening :( It's been rainy and a little chilly, so she's been in her coop, not out walking around... She can move and turn her neck, but she keeps it tucked down for the most part. And she hasn't gotten any bigger, her sister is now about 3 times her size! She's no longer bleeding and her injuries seems to be healing up really well.... but I don't know what to do now! D:

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