help - broken egg inside hen


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
I'm sure this has been on here a thousand times already, (and I seem to have lost my login info from my older username, it's not my first time here I swear!) but...
I found what looked like yolk mixed with poop in the yard...
then a hen with clear sticky discharge from the vent. she was hanging near the nest box.
Found some useful info here
"Well folks, once again you've helped me avert a chicken emergency. As suggested, I gave her a warm bath for about 30 minutes and massaged her abdomen from front to back, as well as her vent (she fell asleep after 2 minutes in the bath). After the bath, I put vaseline around and in her vent, feeling for any obstructions. I wrapped her in two towels for about 30 minutes and kept her on my lap. She slept the whole time.! In a spare bedroom, I created a "nest" of towels for her to sleep in with some water and food. This morning there was a broken, jelly-like egg in the nest and she was just as active as ever. I gave her a probiotic mash of yogurt, vits. and electrolytes and her layer mash. She ate it up. "

Any other advice?

Some more info:
She's a 2 year old australorp, no health issues in the past. Has been laying just fine.
In feeling around the vent there's definitely not a whole eggs ready to come out. But there is a hard, egg-like mass about 4-5 inches down from her head, right in her chest. Is that possibly an egg?
The discharge seems to have stopped.
I put her in a warm bath for about 5 minutes, she really didn't like it. She was very uncomfortable indoors (i gave her a straw and towel nest) and didn't want to sit down at all, so I just brought her back outside to her nest.
I looked around the yard for evidence of shell - my guess is she needs to pass the remains of some broken egg, but I can't feel anything. Any insights or help?
The egg-like mass in the chest is the 'crop', where all food by the hen is ground down, so that's not an egg.

She may pass the egg herself, however it may be potentially dangerous for the bird. She may have been eggbound, and strained a little to hard, causing the egg to break inside her. Keep her in a cool, dark place, away from other birds to prevent stress, with her own food and water.

I'll be doing some research into this, but I won't be back immediately. If possible try the bath again, but try to keep her calm and relaxed.
Okay, a new development:
She just laid a mass of membrane type material. My guess is that this was an egg that didn't develop a shell. As soon as she laid it, she became back to normal. Here's a picture of the mass.

Do you all think this is a one time deal or something they could happen often?
Also, I think this might be the hen that has been laying somewhat deformed eggs for a while. I didn't think it was a problem before. I have 3 hens all together, and one of them lays eggs that are larger than the others, and the shell often has fold lines around it. She's been laying eggs like this for at least 6 months. I think this might be the same hen because there's very slight fold patterns on the membrane material that she just laid (it's in the picture, but i don't think you can see it).
Would love some of your insights!
Sounds like she needs more calcium in her diet, but glad to hear she is doing better

Oyster shells,. or indeed egg shells are good to get some calcium into her system, which will produce harder shells, and preventing soft shelled eggs. This can also happen because the egg passed too quickly through the oviduct, so no shell could be made. Also vitamin D can help.

Try to remove soft shelled eggs as soon as you find them otherwise your hens may develop egg-eating, which is difficult to cure.
Thanks so much eggsrcool.
I think she's okay for now, definitely acting perky and normal, but I am a little worried that this could happen again - what do you think?
She seemed more stressed inside by herself than outside with her friends, so since she seems normal now I'll keep her outside... but I'll definitely watch her carefully and bring her inside if she looks bad again.
Thanks again eggsrcool, didn't see your last post before I just posted again.
They do have access to oyster shell (I mix it in with their feed and throw extra on the ground) - so hopefully this is a one time thing.
It could happen again, but to prevent it put some calcium and Vitamin D in her diet. If it happens again it could be a genetic disorder.

Glad to be of help, and good luck

Just read your last post;

good, keep up with the oyster shells, and if possible add in just a tad more.


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I have one girl who has a "condition" that causes shells more fragile than the rest and an occasional soft shelled egg that may or may not break and make a mess. If she does, it is during the night and it drops onto the poop board. It is just the way she is. She has access to oyster shell, etc. and still occurs. Just the way her eggs are.

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