Help! Button Quail chick w/ Black toes? Spreading!

Quailbert Quailington

In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2019
I'm fairly new to button quail. I have five adults (my male has four girlfriends and they are very happy and adorable together.) I've hatched seven of their eggs, and all are healthy, but today I noticed that one has an issue with their feet. This is my 'noisy' chick, so I'm not sure if this problem has anything to do with why he's noisy, but he's always been so. Today I noticed that he has black toes. (please see photo.) If you can't see in the photo, one toe looks to be completely black on one foot, with the others turning black. The other foot seemed to be fine, but then I noticed that the nails are turning black. The one toe that's completely black is hard and necrotic. I have never seen this before! Right now I have them in a brooder with a heat lamp, and cabinet liner on the bottom to prevent spraddle leg. They are about two weeks old. I clean the brooder once every other day. They are on a diet of chick starter, protein, and I puree some fruits and veggies for them as a treat. This is the ONLY chick with feet problems. Does anyone know what I should do, or what this problem could be? I have not observed other chicks pecking at his feet, but I have not been watching super closely. I'm going to see if I notice over the next couple days! Thanks so much for any advice!
The toes that are black are dead And the ones with black tips are dying.
I had one hen that would constantly pick up her chick by its foot, all the time. It got so bad I had to take the baby away.. it was too late, the toe eventually fell off. The button has grown up and seems like all the others, just one nubby foot. Are you certain he is not being pecked at? What are you using as the bedding in the brooder?
They're definitely necrotic. I have not observed any pecking thus far, but I'm keeping a close eye on them tonight to see if I notice.

The temp has been about 90F, give or take a degree. They are two weeks old. They still seem to huddle beneath the heat lamp as though they are always cold, and they huddle in a little group, always trying to pile on top of one another. I bought a dark room thermometer (i find they get more accurate readings than digital) and it should come in tomorrow, so I'll update if I notice that it gives me a different reading. Could the temp cause this kind of problem? all my other chick's feet look healthy.
One more question...can you post a photo of the whole bird...I want to see it's feathers.

I am wondering if it might be too hot in your brooder which can lead to pecking issues...which could have caused this damage.

Too hot can also cause feathers to come in slower and I think this chick should be more feathered in by this age.

If you are sure there is nothing or was nothing that the toes could have gotten stuck on I'd try lowering the heat some just in case pecking was the issue.
Ahh, thank you! I'll try lowering the temp down to 85.
I'll be keeping a close eye on the little dude over the next day to see if the black coloration on the nails on the other foot starts spreading up the toes. Thanks so much!

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