Help candling dark eggs


Aug 4, 2019
I have 12 very dark and rich black copper maran eggs incubating at day 14. I am using a flashlight in a dark room to candle, but all I can observe is the air cells. Does anyone have a recommendation for a DIY way to candle them (maybe some trick I’m not aware of?) or recommendations for a good, strong candler that won’t break my bank? :)
I don't know of any way except a much brighter light. Which may or may not work. I never was able to candle my Marans eggs.

As an aside, the dark eggshell color is mostly a top coat which can come off, for example if your hen scratches the egg with her feet after laying it. That color will come off with a good scrubbing. But, washing hatching eggs is ill advised, so I dunno?:idunno

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