HELP!!! Candling ??????

Thanks for all your help!!! I am going to try to candle the eggs again on Sat or Sun. And see what I get.
Uh oh! Now I'm nervous about candling tonight! It is day seven and the eggs are dark (black copper marans). I haven't candled before... do I have this right?

Hold eggs with blunt side up? I thought that it was easier to candle shining the light through the sides rather than down the length of the egg...

Shine light through the egg while turning occasionally.

Look for:
a bacteria ring
air sack
dark spot that rolls when you turn the egg

~Sigh~ I'm just feeling that I'm in the dark here.
I shined the light down the egg for the photo. I have shined the light through the egg many different ways:he but this looked the best for the photo. I think that I personally need a stronger light. I can see veining in my eggs I just am confused about the air pocket!!!
I have a candler but I am not sure that it is powerful enough for my brown eggs. I want to know what kind of light they use in all of the pics on the internet!!! They are PERFECT!!

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