Help! Casey (My Duck) has a prolapse! First time treatment for me.

Today she was 3lbs, 10.9oz
I'm waiting on her food a bit to let it soften more. I guess I will raise it to 60ml to see if I can get a consistant weight gain out of her.
Lil stinker still won't eat her feed on her own?
Nope. No interest in duck food. If I put 1/8th of a cup of meal worms in her water, she will eat them like she's starving (which she would be without tube feeding), but then her interest wanes if I put more in. She'll eat a few peas here and there and maybe a leaf of lettuce. With her food she acts kind of interested but she just nibbles on a piece a couple times and drops it (which is what she does with everything else most of the time too). She now has the food available the full time so if it ever does look good, I will know.

After her morning feed today (60ml) she didn't go back into her crate right away, so I talked with her for about an hour. During that time she wasn't constantly wiggling her tail feathers back and forth (which she has been doing since the initial prolapse). I took this as a sign that she may be healing and not be bothered quite as much. I hope so. I'm thinking I may cut her stitches late tonight (when I can have Yvonne's help and not worry about what happens with work.) Then tomorrow, I can call the vet's and see when I can get her in for and exam/consultation. (Plus I will get her initial weight so I know what to shoot for.)
Nope. No interest in duck food. If I put 1/8th of a cup of meal worms in her water, she will eat them like she's starving (which she would be without tube feeding), but then her interest wanes if I put more in. She'll eat a few peas here and there and maybe a leaf of lettuce. With her food she acts kind of interested but she just nibbles on a piece a couple times and drops it (which is what she does with everything else most of the time too). She now has the food available the full time so if it ever does look good, I will know.

After her morning feed today (60ml) she didn't go back into her crate right away, so I talked with her for about an hour. During that time she wasn't constantly wiggling her tail feathers back and forth (which she has been doing since the initial prolapse). I took this as a sign that she may be healing and not be bothered quite as much. I hope so. I'm thinking I may cut her stitches late tonight (when I can have Yvonne's help and not worry about what happens with work.) Then tomorrow, I can call the vet's and see when I can get her in for and exam/consultation. (Plus I will get her initial weight so I know what to shoot for.)
I would wonder why she has lost her appetite for her feed. She was a good eater before all of this? Have you ever tried her with dog or cat kibble? Opie will even eat can dog food. Sometimes when he comes in in the mornings I'll give him some canned dog food on the end of a spoon he loves it. He loves dog kibble too I feed my dogs Salmon and Pea it's grain free. My Muscovy's love the dry kibble too. Maybe the vet will know why her appetite hasn't returned her tummy bacteria should be doing good now.
Casey got her evening feed. I should get a new tube in a day or two, then I can try feeding her between my knees instead of sitting like this. I had cut this tube off shorter because I was thinking of how I had to medicate her with the small syringes and this tube is pretty soft and floppy making it more difficult to guide with one hand. It can be challenging to control the bird and the food at the same time. Sometimes she is more cooperative, sometimes less so this is probably about average now. The only audio on this was Yvonne asking me a question out of the blue and Casey pooping. I figured neither were things anyone wanted to hear, so you get a music track.
Be gentle with me Kathy

Wow, Tony. You did great with her. She handled it well. I'd gag and scream. I had asked Kathy if ducks gag but she said they don't. I am impressed. She is a small girl and it's amazing she was able to "mop" the yard up with Kaine. Do the other burds miss her while she's in recovering?
I would wonder why she has lost her appetite for her feed. She was a good eater before all of this? Have you ever tried her with dog or cat kibble? Opie will even eat can dog food. Sometimes when he comes in in the mornings I'll give him some canned dog food on the end of a spoon he loves it. He loves dog kibble too I feed my dogs Salmon and Pea it's grain free. My Muscovy's love the dry kibble too. Maybe the vet will know why her appetite hasn't returned her tummy bacteria should be doing good now.
We did try cat kibble we still had from trying it last summer/fall when the flock started molting. Most of the ducks didn't like it much and I don't remember where she was on it. Tevye is the only one that ate the cat kibble like crazy - probably all the assorted colors. I think that she just generally doesn't have much of an appetite for anything, but favorite treats can override that feeling to a limited extent. Today is only her 4th day without antibiotics and although she had a day with yogurt and is getting probiotics in her water, I don't know how long it should take to get her appetite back. Especially when her crop is being filled twice / day. I will certainly ask the vet about it as well as observations about the dried on poop (haven't seen it in 2 days), tail wiggling, when she should stop getting silver polish on her butt, when she should be able to see the light of day (that could be depressing her if she is feeling well and might throw off her eating too) and when she should be able to go outside - once she is eating normally of course (I would put Kaine and Tevye in the jail for at least a couple weeks if I reintroduced her and all seemed well.)
HAHAHA!! What do they feel like? Are they cute? I am jealous. You know that the webs are the accessory that make the duck a very cute burd.
Picture the softest leather gloves made of the most supple leather you have ever touched... Like that but softer.
Wow, Tony. You did great with her. She handled it well. I'd gag and scream. I had asked Kathy if ducks gag but she said they don't. I am impressed. She is a small girl and it's amazing she was able to "mop" the yard up with Kaine. Do the other burds miss her while she's in recovering?
Thanks! I will do better once I get the other tube. The other birds are acting normally. Allie got a bath a bit back and went into the vet with Casey so she probably reported back to the outside ducks that Casey was fine and living it up in the warm place with the bathtub. They will probably make fun of her when she goes back into the yard: "Nya nya - caretaker's favorite...

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