help!!!! chick struggling to breath and not moving much

Please try to monitor his droppings, too.
I hope he gains his strength back. I assume you also check for pasty butt and external injuries.
Please try to monitor his droppings, too.
I hope he gains his strength back. I assume you also check for pasty butt and external injuries.
There was some runny poop in the brooder but I don’t know who’s it was. I did check him for pasty butt. He had some poop stuck but it was not enough to prevent him from pooping all together I don’t think. still I cleaned it completely when. First found him laying there.
if you find runny poop what should you do?
He did poop!
I'm so sorry to hear you lost him. I recently lost one I was trying to keep alive too. Its a real bummer. I'm glad all the others are happy and healthy :hugs
Sorry you lost it :( Some are just weak. I’m holding a guinea keet who isn’t thriving currently. It’s a bummer, but you can focus on the ones that are healthy and well now.
i certainly will. it makes them seem even more precious. Seeing how fragile they truly are. They were all fine this morning and then just went downhill in a hurry. I have 8 left to love and enjoy. Best of luck with your Guinea!!
I'm so sorry to hear you lost him. I recently lost one I was trying to keep alive too. Its a real bummer. I'm glad all the others are happy and healthy :hugs
It is a bummer but I tried everything I could.
if anyone can comment on his poop I would still appreciate it so I know if it ever happens again? It was definitely not normal being soft like that. Is that an indication of something in particular?

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