Jul 13, 2022
I have a barred rock that is about 20 weeks old. She has developed this odd type of crouch walking. Looks like the equivalent of army crawling, but for chickens.
I thought maybe she was egg bound so I gloved up and put petroleum jelly on my finger and inserted it into the vent about two inches to see if I could feel an egg.
I didn’t feel an egg.
I looked her over for lice/mites. Couldn’t see any. Her legs look fine her comb and wattle are red.
I’m not sure what to make of this?
She keeps to herself since she can’t get around all too well. The others pick on her a little since she walks funny.
I put her in her own enclosed with water and food, to keep an eye on her. I just feel bad, I’m not sure what could be wrong. This is day 3 of this odd crouching. And I also noticed about week ago that she wasn’t going up to roost with the others and I’d find her on the ground, so I’d have to pick her up and put her on manually.
Sorry to hear she is unwell..

Please describe feed routine including treats and supplements.., and was she vaccinated against Marek's?

Is she actively eating and drinking still?

Hope you find some answers and she recovers quickly! :fl

They have all day access to feed. I feed them Texas Natural Feed. I use the Non-gmo and Non-Soy layer feed.
I also put a 1/4 cup of Texas Naturals Scratch Grain for 17 chickens altogether as a “treat”. They also get Mellon scraps and watermellon scraps for treats weekly.

I purchased all of my chickens from my local feed store and they were not vaccinated for anything.

I’ll have to check on her eating and drinking habits to see if she ate any of the food I put down for her. I also added a vitamin from Strong Animals to her water.
Have you tried testing her for blindness? This seems a lot like what blindness would be. Move a hand or just a finger quickly towards her eye and see if she blinks. She may move away or flinch because she feels wind movement and expects a peck from a flockmate.
Have you tried testing her for blindness? This seems a lot like what blindness would be. Move a hand or just a finger quickly towards her eye and see if she blinks. She may move away or flinch because she feels wind movement and expects a peck from a flockmate.

I just went outside to test her and she did not blink at all but her pupils dilated a lot. If she is blind she still manages to find the food pan somehow. Any thoughts?
She just started this? First I'd get her on a super B complex tablet or capsule daily, human ones. See if she improves with that, riboflavin deficiency can cause hock sitting and some of the other B's can cause weird neurological symptoms. The B's are very safe. It's best to use the complex so you really up the B's significantly. Regular supplements are fine for maintenance but may not be enough to reverse a deficiency if that's what it is. I would do that first before assuming Marek's disease. She doesn't appear blind to me, if her eyes look normal I think that's probably not it.
She just started this? First I'd get her on a super B complex tablet or capsule daily, human ones. See if she improves with that, riboflavin deficiency can cause hock sitting and some of the other B's can cause weird neurological symptoms. The B's are very safe. It's best to use the complex so you really up the B's significantly. Regular supplements are fine for maintenance but may not be enough to reverse a deficiency if that's what it is. I would do that first before assuming Marek's disease. She doesn't appear blind to me, if her eyes look normal I think that's probably not it.
Thank you I’ll get a b complex today at the store. And yes she just started this about 3 days ago. But she also hasn’t been putting herself to bed and I find her on the coop ground at night when I lock everyone up.
Here is a photo of my chicken’s left eye before she become totally blind for reference. Her pupil was super dilated before it turned fully black.
The hock walking doesn’t seem like blindness as she seemed to know where she was and was pretty confident on where she was going.


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