
In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2019
Hello. A while back one of my chickens legs broke while he was a chick but they were still intact. We suspect the chickens got in a fight but we think it was actually because he kept trying to fly but he was still quite young at the time. We noticed that on his left foot some of his fingers had fallen out(he can still walk tho) but on his right leg his foot was barely hanging on. We kept him inside and fed him until he learned to walk again(limping). Today as I was trying to put them in their coop to feed them him and another chicken were trying to go the other way. I picked them up but he decided to fly out of my hands but he landed on cement. He landed but his right foot came off. I put him in a coop where none of the other chickens were. I tried to make some sort of cast looking thing to stop the bleeding but at the end I wrapped his foot and put a bandage to hold it. My mom has been giving him Tylenol(very small amount) to stop any pain. I don’t know what else to do but what should I do long term to keep him comfy and not make the other chicken poke him. And can he survive or any other things I should. Thank you
Hello. A while back one of my chickens legs broke while he was a chick but they were still intact. We suspect the chickens got in a fight but we think it was actually because he kept trying to fly but he was still quite young at the time. We noticed that on his left foot some of his fingers had fallen out(he can still walk tho) but on his right leg his foot was barely hanging on. We kept him inside and fed him until he learned to walk again(limping). Today as I was trying to put them in their coop to feed them him and another chicken were trying to go the other way. I picked them up but he decided to fly out of my hands but he landed on cement. He landed but his right foot came off. I put him in a coop where none of the other chickens were. I tried to make some sort of cast looking thing to stop the bleeding but at the end I wrapped his foot and put a bandage to hold it. My mom has been giving him Tylenol(very small amount) to stop any pain. I don’t know what else to do but what should I do long term to keep him comfy and not make the other chicken poke him. And can he survive or any other things I should. Thank you


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Honestly, I really think this would be for a vet, and a compassionate one at that. If he is bleeding bad it sounds like something other than what I'd be picturing. I mean it sounds like it fell off and still had blood supply? If the bone broke and lacerated an artery he could bleed to death, a perpendicular severed artery will retract and stop. I mean if you are really attached a vet might get the bleeding stopped and pull enough skin over so a little prosthetic could be fitted. I mean, I guess it's how attached are you. I hope it works out for the best.
@Wyorp Rock

This is one i have never seen , I am tagging some people that know a lot more about them than me, sorry to say but that one may have to be culled, before deciding what to do look at what kind of life the chicken will have, do you have the time and willingness to deal with a special needs Chicken?

runs for more coffee, has anyone seen any coffee IV's laying around?
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Hello. A while back one of my chickens legs broke while he was a chick but they were still intact. We noticed that on his left foot some of his fingers had fallen out right leg his foot was barely hanging on. He landed but his right foot came off. I I tried to make some sort of cast looking thing to stop the bleeding but at the end I wrapped his foot and put a bandage to hold it. My mom has been giving him Tylenol(very small amount) to stop any pain. I don’t know what else to do but what should I do long term to keep him comfy and not make the other chicken poke him. And can he survive or any other things I should. Thank you
Where are you located in the world? (state?)
I'm very sorry about your chick, if you have vet care that would be best.
How old is your chick?

Do not give him Tylenol, that is toxic to chickens. Your vet can give you pain relief medication if it's necessary.

I'm very sorry, with the photo nothing can be seen. If you can share photos of the actual damage that may be helpful.
Personally, a chick that has 2 broken legs, toes falling off and now a foot fall off needs to be put out of it's misery.
Welcome to BYC. Are you having winter weather where you live with freezing temperatures in the past few months? Did the legs and feet suffer frostbite? Tylenol (acetaminophen) is toxic to chickens. Aspirin may be used in the water in some cases when bleeding is not a problem, and dosage is 325 mg per 8 ounces or 240 ml of water. The chick sounds like it may be suffering, and I would put it down so that it does not suffer.

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