Yes, Kathy - she was starving to death, but you saved her with your feedback to worm her with Valbazen. The original posts/pictures were of the food she was constantly eating, constantly running through her. I wormed them not long ago and I use DE and cayenne pepper and did not think it was worms, but an impacted crop or something. So, I constantly fed her and she constantly excreted it, even looking undigested with a little bile.

This last shot was 24 hours after your suggestion of Valbazen. It is much better, but it IS recovery from starving to death from worms, I guess because the Valbazen is working? Unless the change in feces is for another reason? Please follow the whole post and see if you think this is improvement. I was not able to keep her inside last night as I was out of town. I will watch her this evening and see if the feces is back to normal. I also got the poultry dust per your suggestion and I did the coop when I wormed the rest of the crew and I am doing the pen today.

Per your suggestion, I will worm them all again 10 days later. If you have any other suggestions to help this one recoup faster since she showed the most signs (may be she is the weakest, even tho she is #1 hen). The others never showed any signs, but their feces was starting to look like it was not fully digested either.

THANK YOU FOR THE VALBAZEN SUGGESTION, IT REALLY SEEMS TO BE WORKING AND THAT IS WORTH $50. You, Kathy, have done a better job than all the vets I have paid and I probably would have gone through another $100+ this time and never saved her. So, please, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know!!!!

Mary Lynn and Jasmine
She isn't projecting watery feces any more, but it is still not normal.
That other clumpy stuff was just what she does in the morning - that Kathy had said looked like starvation poop.

I did the worming Valbazen at midnight on Saturday morning (late Friday night).
There is some improvement and she definitely seems to be gaining a little weight already.
But, her poop is still way off.
Does it just take time and will the wormer make the feces like this?
It's brown, not green, like when she was really sick.
Her comb also sees a little brighter and her spirit is definitely better.

Someone had mentioned coccidosis (spelling).
Now that I've tried the worming, should I move on to treating for something else???

PLEASE, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK??? Current feces embedded...
The worming with Valbazen seems to have made some improvement, but not enough.
She is still having unusual feces, but she does seem to be gaining a little weight.

Do you think I should treat with Amprolium? I posted a new photo earlier.

I found Amprolium on Jeffers Pet, but it says for "calves". How do you dose one hen?
Should I treat the others? What if they have had the vaccine, will it harm to treat for it?

You mentioned the oviduct cancer and the vet had said cancer months ago - from the elevated white blood cells in the fluid she took out of her belly, and she took a lot out, but I found the hole in her and treated that and she was well including no more fluid in the belly so I really thought the vet was wrong and I still think this happened so suddenly that it isn't cancer.

So, like you, I am willing to try something after worming. I'm hoping that it's just not all the way normal because of the worming???

Thank you.
Amprolium for cattle is fine, get the liquid if you can. How much weight has she lost since you wormed her? I think it's time to start tube feeding, which I can help you with on the phone.

Jasmine has gained weight since the worming. That's why I thought she was better.
She definitely acts much better. Not like she's trying to hide she doesn't feel well.
A little cackling in throat now, but could be stress from staying inside at night.
She's the least human-friendly of them all.

Her feces is still not normal, but could that be from the wormer?
She is eating very well, it just comes out weird. I use a roll of paper towels a night just covering where she's pooped so it's not wet and messy.
Before the feces didn't have any odor to it (I guess running through so quickly) and now it does, so...???
Much more mass in the poop than water like it was before.
Definitely some improvement.

Her comb is still pale, but she eats a lot and drinks a lot.
She was 3 lbs. when I did the wormer and now it looks like almost 5 lbs which is about where she is normally, maybe another pound.

Should I just wait another day or two since she got the wormer at midnight Saturday morning and there has been improvement?

Thank you for taking the time to consider this. I could just be impatient and she will be fine. I read about the coccidosis and the only symptom I see is the pale comb, but that could have been from starving to death if it were a worm/parasite of some kind that was causing the watery poo??? It still is very watery, in my opinion, but she is drinking a lot? Never had to watch a chicken's poo for this long, so don't have a clue, but I hope all the time we're taking will not only help Jasmine, but anyone else in the future as well.
I'm really anal about weighing, so I would want to weigh her daily on a kitchen scale for this. Tube feeding is also a good diagnostic tool in that you control what goes in and can tell a lot by what comes out, lol. If she were mine I would probably try some Corid (amprolium) and maybe some Baytril if I thought it was a bacterial infection.

Do you plan on treating the bird for Blackhead (histomaniasis) between worming? Dosage for Metronidazole (Flagyl, Fish-Zole, etc.) is 250 mg once a day for 5 days. If the bird is under 5 lbs, use 125mg.
If that isn't successful, I'd wait a few days while giving the bird vitamins-electrolytes, and probiotics in the water. Then I'd treat the bird for enteritis. If the bird is drinking on its own, I use equal parts Neomycin and Bacitricin powder mixed together in a jar. I take one heaping teaspoon per gallon of water and give a fresh solution each day for 7-10 days. If you don't see improvement by the 3rd day of doing this, it is time to try something else. Treatment becomes more difficult when birds stop eating or drinking on their own.
Do you plan on treating the bird for Blackhead (histomaniasis) between worming? Dosage for Metronidazole (Flagyl, Fish-Zole, etc.) is 250 mg once a day for 5 days. If the bird is under 5 lbs, use 125mg.
If that isn't successful, I'd wait a few days while giving the bird vitamins-electrolytes, and probiotics in the water. Then I'd treat the bird for enteritis. If the bird is drinking on its own, I use equal parts Neomycin and Bacitricin powder mixed together in a jar. I take one heaping teaspoon per gallon of water and give a fresh solution each day for 7-10 days. If you don't see improvement by the 3rd day of doing this, it is time to try something else. Treatment becomes more difficult when birds stop eating or drinking on their own.

Thank you Michael - why would I treat the hen for Blackhead? Is that a common parasite that causes this type of excrement?
That Valzaben doesn't get rid of?
What symptoms does she has that makes you think that is a good treatment?
I do have a "canker-blackhead" dosage on shelf from jeffers pet that says 1 tablet for 1 day.
Thank you.

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