Help! Chicken ripped open by predator--need advice!


7 Years
Nov 21, 2016
I believe a coyote got its teeth into one of my hens this morning (other possible predators are raccoons or hawks). Regardless, her innards are now exposed and hanging open. I've secluded her and ensured she has water (though she's not drinking that I can see) and food (also not eating). She's moving about a bit but clearly not ok.
How do I treat the hen to help her heal?
Is there anyone in the Eagan, MN area with experience treating such wounds?
ANY and ALL advice is VERY appreciated!!


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Sorry about your hen. Her injuries are too bad to help her. Her intestines are exposed, and she will probably die a painful death from infection. I would recommend putting her down.
A pair of loppers or an ax to separate the head from the body is quick. I usually cut the jugular vein to let them bleed out, and many use the broomstick method of cervical dislocation. The latter may take a little practice. Do you have a hunter friend who is used to putting down an animal?

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