Help! Cockerel sick, very lethargic, off-balance, pale comb, may have eaten toxic slug


5 Years
Apr 7, 2019
Hi, we have a 3-4 month old cockerel who is very sick. He was incredibly lively and super healthy yesterday, but this morning he was in the nest box lethargic, eyes closed, not moving. He has no appetite and I don't think he's been drinking either. The only cause I can think of is this giant slug he ate yesterday. He has a much paler than usual comb, he is off-balance, has foamy eyes, and is very, very lethargic. He is lying down and not moving. I can send pics, if that would help. Is there any medicine or any treatment at all that would help him?
Thanks for any help.
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Can you take him to a vet? I don’t know about toxic slugs—are they a problem where you live? There are many other things that could be wrong. Are both eyes foamy or just one? Do you have pictures? What do his droppings look like? Can you give him some Poultry NutriDrench orally, about 2 ml? Or do you have electrolytes that you can add to his water and then offer up to his beak with a scoop or cup? Drooping wings can be a sign of dehydration. Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease?
Can you take him to a vet? I don’t know about toxic slugs—are they a problem where you live? There are many other things that could be wrong. Are both eyes foamy or just one? Do you have pictures? What do his droppings look like? Can you give him some Poultry NutriDrench orally, about 2 ml? Or do you have electrolytes that you can add to his water and then offer up to his beak with a scoop or cup? Drooping wings can be a sign of dehydration. Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease?
I don't think we have any good avian vets here - we got one once and he didn't help. I don't know much about slugs either, I've just read and heard about some toxins being in them, so I don't know if they're especially that way where we are. Both eyes are foamy, I think; I'll check. I will check his droppings too when I go out to get pictures. We don't have any NutriDrench, we just ordered some yesterday but it'll be until tomorrow or Wednesday to arrive. We have electrolytes; we've been adding some to his water already, but he doesn't seem to be drinking. He was from a seller on Craigslist at a week old; I have no idea about his vaccinations, just that he was very healthy when he arrived and has been since then until now. He's in the run with the others, not sure if I should put him somewhere else...
Pics, droppings info and eye info coming soon.
No droppings since this morning, apparently. His eyes are not nearly as foamy now; I gave him some Terramycin earlier. He's not doing well, though. His comb is way paler than usual.

Hopefully, he will recover as long as you keep getting him to drink, try some cooked egg, canned cat food, and his usual chicken feed. If you should lose him, I would save his body and keep it refrigerated, not frozen, to get a necropsy done. Here is a food link that has all state vets listed, and you can call about costs:
Hopefully, he will recover as long as you keep getting him to drink, try some cooked egg, canned cat food, and his usual chicken feed. If you should lose him, I would save his body and keep it refrigerated, not frozen, to get a necropsy done. Here is a food link that has all state vets listed, and you can call about costs:
OK. Thank you, I'll try to get him to eat and drink and I will boil some eggs. (Or scramble?) We have plenty of canned cat food - does flavor or ingredients matter? Getting him to drink will probably be the hardest thing, but I think I can try...
Mine prefer soft scrambled and chopped eggs. Most any flavor of canned catfood is good. Adding water to the chicken feed to make is mushy is good as well. Don’t make too much of anything incase he refuses it.
Mine prefer soft scrambled and chopped eggs. Most any flavor of canned catfood is good. Adding water to the chicken feed to make is mushy is good as well. Don’t make too much of anything incase he refuses it.
Thanks! He just drank a ton of electrolyte water. Hoping he'll be alright but who knows. He has no interest in food or catfood yet. Soon hopefully... :fl

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