Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

Try Giving plenty of water, maybe reduce overall temperature. Move Heat Lamp farther away. Maybe is sick, is it drinking water?
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Do you have a thermometer in your brooder? Is there a place they can get away from the heat lamp if they get too warm? And do they have access to plenty of water?
I'm sure you know all of this, but just want to be sure it's not any of these reasons.
all of the birds are two weeks officially today. One was constantly hopping oout of the brooder so hubby put a plastic lid on one half of the brooder. the birds are covered is what seems to be sweat but one was really bad. drenched, panting, and not moving. she seems okay now. i almost died when i saw her. i turned the heat lamp off bc the room they are in is plenty warm and i thought they should cool down some. i dipped the bad ones beak in wated and i changed their shavings. now i am just watching them. the one still seems real chickens sweat?

also i removed the lid
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sorry i did not give all of the info right away...i was panicky....will she recover from being half baked? she seems okay but still so wet....should i take into a cooler room or outside?
Chickens don't sweat they pant and the breath evaporates. Is the outside of the brooder temp a lot colder than inside causing condensation to build? I don't understand what's going on???
Rule #1- cool yourself off first! It's always scary, they will give you panic attacks.

Slowly cool them off, dry and keep dipping the beaks in water for the next hour or so.

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