Help deciding on breeds?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 13, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
We're working on researching breeds right now to find ones that might be a good fit for us. We'll be getting chickens in the spring most likely, so we've got some time to dedicate to both choosing breeds as well as choosing a local source (PA tri-state area).

What we're looking for:
Good egglayers
Not too broody (won't be having any chick-rearing here)
Tolerant of Western PA weather (hot humid summers and cold icy winters)
Prefer a medium to large sized egg over a small egg
Quieter would be better, but then again I don't mind the sound of chickens... it's more for the neighbors

Suggestions? We will have only 3 hens, as we are in an urban setting and are limited the number of "pets" we have, and the chickens count along with our cat. Silly I know.

I appreciate the help!
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This site should be helpful...

Dominique, Wyandottes, Jersey Giants

Dominique, Wyandottes, Ameraucana


Dominique, Wyandottes, Buckeyes, Ameraucana, Chantecler

Dominique, Wyandottes, Buckeyes, Ameraucana, Jersey Giant, Chantecler

No chicken is ever always quiet, but our Wyandottes, Dominique and Jersey Giant are fairly quiet.
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Well, exactly. I grew up with them and never found them to be loud per se, but I know that my neighbors would probably prefer a quieter to average breed rather than the real loud ones (I've had crowing hens before... heh)
I suggest the Rhode Island Red. We have 10 ladies who are very friendly and gentle, quiet (my suburban neighbors rarely hear them), good layers, rarely broody, seldom argue, hardy and cold tolerant. Not the prettiest or fanciest of the breeds but a backyard flock standard.
I am in W PA

my chickens free range most of the day! so they are out in the cold! Pea & Rose comb have done the best for me! (no frost bite)


my rocks the girls are fine the roos get frost bite
I am trying Jersey Giants this year
I will say that based purely on appearance- Wyandottes seem awesome.

Do people recommend single-breed groups or multi-breed?
Don't ask me 'cause I will tell you that Naked Necks will do all that you ask of them. Mine have stood high temps of 115deg in summer to 15deg below in winter. The roosters may get frostbit combs but the hens never will. They forage well are friendly and lay medium-large light brown eggs. Their feed conversion rate is average but tends to excel in higher temps. They will go broody but are a snap to break-up when they try but my bantams are bred to go broody and will set a nest till the cows come home and raise broods all summer long one right after another. They do tend to celebrate loudly when an egg is layed but look at the dynamics of it. As far as looks? Well after you get to know them you will really love the breed.
I will go by my New hampshire reds and my Orpingtons ANYDAY! both very quiet breeds and good with kids and are great layers!! large eggs!

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