Help Diagnosing Sick Chicken! Out of breath, balance issues, lethargic?

Mareks or Respiratory Disease or other?

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I'm sorry to say Marek's gets my vote too.

The reason is that she is at an age when they are most vulnerable, she is showing fairly classic neurological symptoms. Respiratory problems are common with Marek's.... either secondary infections due to a suppressed immune system or the lungs being a relatively common site for the development of the tumours. I have had birds with Marek's recover as rapidly as they got sick, others decline over a period of weeks and either die or be assisted and others that held their own and eventually made enough of a recovery after months of supportive care, to rejoin the flock and even free range and lay eggs. And some that died suddenly with almost no warning. It is a strange disease with no hard and fast rules. Coccidiosis is another secondary infection which can result from Marek's.

My experience is to support the immune and digestive system. Good quality poultry supplement and good quality food (including animal/fish protein eggs etc) and probiotics/fermented feed to ensure the bird is able to get maximum benefit from their food. Sunshine, grass and the company of other chickens (in a safe environment where bullying cannot occur) are the other factors that seemed to make a big difference but not easily arranged... not least because you cannot get sunshine on prescription.... especially here in the UK!

If you have been giving antibiotics for several days now (4 days of Duramycin and 3 days of Tylan 50) with no obvious benefit and no obvious sign of infection, then I would discontinue their use because the health of the gut is more important in my opinion with this disease, than using something that is known to compromise the digestive system with no obvious symptom to treat or benefit so far from using it.
I am sorry to hear about your rooster and I hope this girl pulls through for you.
I just wanted to chime in about the food in your picture above.
That looks like scratch to me. I think it would be better if you feed her only a complete chicken feed for now.

Thank you! And this picture is from the first day I noticed she was sick and brought her in. she was very picky about her foods and we tried everything but she wouldnt touch it unless it was the teeny tiny seeds from this scratch mix. She would pick them out and ignore the rest. Since then we have gotten her on regular layer pellets with just a bit of scratch grains. We also feed her meal worms, spinach, kale, eggs, salmon and yogurt on a daily basis (we spend hours every day encouraging her to eat all of this)! She likes the spinach and yogurt but its a battle with everything else :)
Thank you everyone for your help even though its bad news. Its sounding like my worst fear is probably what it is... I was hoping that it wasnt mareks so I focused on anything that she did that made that unlikely, like her sometimes healthy droppings and none of her symptoms getting worse. I knew this was a possibility but I just didnt want to be true. I will stop the Tylan injections and keep focusing on probiotics and nutrition. I know its all I can do but I feel so helpless! I have 13 other hens and all of them are very healthy still. Im worried about them too.
You are a good chicken keeper - and the thing I've found about having any flock issues is that those issues tend to just make a person better and better at caring for their feathered friends. I would tell you "Don't worry, most people lose more birds to predators than to Marek's", but you will probably still worry... and second guess yourself. You have a wonderful community here, with support any time you need it. :)
Hello everyone! I'm writing an update because I hope other with similar issues can get info from this thread. I am so happy to say that Fig had made an insane recovery! I will explain everything we did that could have helped but since there is no way to know if she just healed on her own or if our treatment was successful, please do not assume this will work, but it might!

Fig had been living in our house for over a month now, and after we stopped the antibiotics she got a bit better then worse and almost stopped eating. We freaked out a little and put her back on the antibiotics and she seemed ok. We are about 90% sure she has mareks but this cannot be confirmed without a test. I did a lot of research about ways to help cure symptoms of mareks and I found info about Hypericum (St. Johns Wort) in homeopathic medicine. Figs breathing issues had gotten all better but her left foot balance issues were not better, worse even. We were looking at Hypericum because it helps repair nerve damage like the nerve damage caused by Mareks. This is NOT meant to cure mareks but if a bird can survive the initial flare up of disease then this remedy can help with the permanent problems from mareks like paralisis and nerve damage.

The dose for Hypericum is 1 pill dissolved per 1 tablespoon of distilled water only! (we used Boiron brand homeopathic remedy about $8 in a health food store) Then you feed about 10-15 drops on the chickens tongue and it must have the liquid touch the roof of its mouth and swallow. We used about 1cc of liquid each time. You give this dose every 12 hours so AM and PM. We stopped all antibiotics when we started this treatment.

Now she can walk again!!! she has a slight limp still but it has only been a week of this treatment. She has also laid her first egg and has been laying eggs for 10 days now! SHe is much better she is now bored by living in our house all day and complains quite a bit. SHe even escaped her box 2x to explore out house while we were gone ( yay cleaning up chicken poop!) We also feed her fresh greens along with her layer pellets, meal worms, salmon, apple cider vinegar and poultry drench in her water, we giver her access to grits for her crop and to calcium/oyster shells for her eggs. She is doing great!

We are so happy that she seems to be on her way to a full recovery and will definitely be recovered enough to go back outside when its warmer and live a happy normal chicken life with her friends!

Thank you all for your help with this. I hope our experience helps others too!
I'm so pleased that she is doing better. Getting her outside in the sunshine on grass and the company of other chickens should help enormously when the weather allows but you will need to be very careful about reintegrating her into the flock because stress like that can very easily trigger another outbreak of the disease.

Personally I'm sceptical about the benefit of St John's Wort as I have had similar recoveries with Marek's birds that were not treated with it, but I would not discourage anyone from trying it as long as they did not stress themselves or more importantly, the bird, trying to get it into them, as that is counter productive in my experience.

I hope your girl goes from strength to strength now that she has turned the corner with this outbreak.

Best wishes

I'm so pleased that she is doing better. Getting her outside in the sunshine on grass and the company of other chickens should help enormously when the weather allows but you will need to be very careful about reintegrating her into the flock because stress like that can very easily trigger another outbreak of the disease.

Personally I'm sceptical about the benefit of St John's Wort as I have had similar recoveries with Marek's birds that were not treated with it, but I would not discourage anyone from trying it as long as they did not stress themselves or more importantly, the bird, trying to get it into them, as that is counter productive in my experience.

I hope your girl goes from strength to strength now that she has turned the corner with this outbreak.

Best wishes

I agree. Often, as tumors shift/grow, paralysis can change. But, like cancer, sometimes just the right nutritional supplements/environmental conditions can trigger remission.
Hello everyone! I'm writing an update because I hope other with similar issues can get info from this thread. I am so happy to say that Fig had made an insane recovery! I will explain everything we did that could have helped but since there is no way to know if she just healed on her own or if our treatment was successful, please do not assume this will work, but it might!

Fig had been living in our house for over a month now, and after we stopped the antibiotics she got a bit better then worse and almost stopped eating. We freaked out a little and put her back on the antibiotics and she seemed ok. We are about 90% sure she has mareks but this cannot be confirmed without a test. I did a lot of research about ways to help cure symptoms of mareks and I found info about Hypericum (St. Johns Wort) in homeopathic medicine. Figs breathing issues had gotten all better but her left foot balance issues were not better, worse even. We were looking at Hypericum because it helps repair nerve damage like the nerve damage caused by Mareks. This is NOT meant to cure mareks but if a bird can survive the initial flare up of disease then this remedy can help with the permanent problems from mareks like paralisis and nerve damage.

The dose for Hypericum is 1 pill dissolved per 1 tablespoon of distilled water only! (we used Boiron brand homeopathic remedy about $8 in a health food store) Then you feed about 10-15 drops on the chickens tongue and it must have the liquid touch the roof of its mouth and swallow. We used about 1cc of liquid each time. You give this dose every 12 hours so AM and PM. We stopped all antibiotics when we started this treatment.

Now she can walk again!!! she has a slight limp still but it has only been a week of this treatment. She has also laid her first egg and has been laying eggs for 10 days now! SHe is much better she is now bored by living in our house all day and complains quite a bit. SHe even escaped her box 2x to explore out house while we were gone ( yay cleaning up chicken poop!) We also feed her fresh greens along with her layer pellets, meal worms, salmon, apple cider vinegar and poultry drench in her water, we giver her access to grits for her crop and to calcium/oyster shells for her eggs. She is doing great!

We are so happy that she seems to be on her way to a full recovery and will definitely be recovered enough to go back outside when its warmer and live a happy normal chicken life with her friends!

Thank you all for your help with this. I hope our experience helps others
I have a question.. Was Fig vaccinated for Mareks?

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