
In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Puerto Rico
This morning two neighbor's dogs attack our pair of geese. She was in her cage warming her eggs and they managed to open the cage and her neck is almost ripped off, her back is severely broken. The male was bitten under the wings, I'll try to post picture. I gave them 2cc of anti tetanus and 2cc of Neurocillin (ampicillin). I washed the wounds with warm water and applied Scariest Wound dressing. The female looks worst than the male and I don't think she'll make it, although she is trying. She can't hold her neck up. The male doesn't want to eat or drink when offered. The young turkey has wounds also beneath the wings and her back. I medicated her in the same manner as the goose. Now I have three eggs that I have to get them in the incubator and I'm so deeper ate to try to save their lives that I don't know how to manage myself with this problem. Please someone help me!!!!!
. The other picture is also from the male::::
Holy cow that looks bad...All you can do is clean the wounds keep them warm and quiet and dark and hope they make it...Poultry can sometimes survive some pretty heinous injuries.
I am sorry for your predicament. If her back is definitely broken, and her neck as bad as you say, then you may want to consider ending her suffering. Whatever you decide, best of luck.
Just wanted to say sorry. If her neck/back is broken, then I would personally cull her right away to end suffering...I know easier said then done. I get attached to all of mine. The others look like their injuries are relatively minor compared to her...I do not have a lot of experience with this, so really can;t offer advice...The one time a fox grabbed my EE through the fence, her wing was chewed up bad...I took her to the Vet for an x-ray, and coated the area with blue was not broken thankfully, and she stayed in the house with us(in a large doggy kennel) for 3 weeks...she was 3-4 months then. She is as good as new now, they are amazing healers. Best of Luck to you.
Thanks for the replies so far. I'm looking for an avian vet in my area and I can't find any. I raised this three since hatched and hand fed them and now loosing them this way is so painful. My dad used to give me advices when these things happened and I lost him also three weeks ago. That makes my suffer even worse. Should the pair of geese be close to each other or will they suffer more being close one to another? The polish hen that was always hanging together with the turkey is disappeared and I can't find her, nor her body nor any feathers or sign of her.
They should be seen by a vet and your neighbor should pay for it.

That said - It looks like you have them indoors already, so that's good. If they were mine, I'd give them several hours in a warm, quiet place to recover from the shock of their ordeal. Then, if they've shown some improvement, I'd clean/inspect their wounds and give them an oral or injectable antibiotic. I'd probably also tube feed lactated ringers or Pedialyte to them.
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You may seek help from a wildlife rescue if you can't find an avian vet. We found help locally through a rescue after a dog attack. You can also try to call livestock vets to get referrals. I would definitely get her in to someone that can help as soon as possible. Right now, she's just suffering. I'm so sorry :(
You may seek help from a wildlife rescue if you can't find an avian vet. We found help locally through a rescue after a dog attack. You can also try to call livestock vets to get referrals. I would definitely get her in to someone that can help as soon as possible. Right now, she's just suffering. I'm so sorry :(
That's good advice!

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