HELP! ducky mahiem!

My ducks (6 and 5 weeks) only come up to me if I'm talking to them. If I'm sitting in a chair talking they waddle right up to my feet! If I'm not they'll ignore me and run if I walk around them.
when its above 45 I put them out for about an hour with a heat lamp. They seem to be happier when I can let them play in the grass. I keep a close eye on them. and I appreciate the advice! I just wantta ensure they are happy and healthy. are there any treats I can give them that's better nutrition wise?
There is a link to the Stickies in blue text at the top of the Duck Forum. In that list is a Sticky on treats for ducklings and ducks - some good information there.
I just have a hard time with people that do not read anything about their livestock, All birds have gizzards that chew their food up and that is why they do not have teeth. Yes they need
grit for their lifetime and that is the reason. We have teeth and no gizzards. A gizzard is a muscle and can often be fried and eaten at chicken places. I like them but some people do not.
sassy wren
Guppies! I would love to see mine chasing them! They are currently refusing to play in the water tub I set out for them. It's been in there for 3 days now and not a one has played. :( They instead want to just make mud next to and nasty up the waterer so the chickens can't drink. I took the regular waterers out and we put one of those "nipples on the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket" waterers in. Am hoping the ducks lean to use the "pond" and the chickens can still get thier clean water.
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Do the chickens figure out the nipples quickly? My chicks/ducks are on a Tractor-Supply watering thing and I'm wondring if I can switch them to a nipple system to cut down on messes once they're outside....
I just wanted to say again to everyone how much I appreciate their advice! things have been going great and the 6 bigger fellers have started to get some juvi tail feathers! they still are not found of the now week old ducklings but slowly everyone is learning to play nice. To play on the safe side I filled a pie pan with sand for them to ensure they have enough to digest things. I can't wait till they are big enough to chase mino's around. they do love worms they find in the grass, it cracks me up how they fight over them and it looks like tug-o-war for the wormy. RIP little wormies lol
Ok first off I'm sorry this is gonna be long. I just became a ducky mom about a week ago. I admit I was irresponsible and did no research. I have 6 2 week old kahki's. They hate me. I they cower from me for treats, food, water, and when its swimming time. I ended up now with 2 couple day olds ducklings. they may or may not be runners. First off, is there any hope for my kakhi's to not hate my guts? and secondly will my youngest ducklings ever be able to be in with them? I tried placing them together in a play pin I made in the grass for when we have nice days and immediately  the youngsters went running to the older ones. The older ducklings started pecking at them and trampling on them. While i'm asking questions also is it normal for the ducklings stool to keep changing from runny to more like the goose poo you see on side walks? help! I wantta be a good ducky mom and give them all the best life possible. they may not care for me but I adore these little guys.

KCs are a more nervous high strung breed it seems. My Pekin & Magpie are more affectionate w/ the Magpie being the most affectionate. My KC always runs fast & my ducks are almost 5 wks old. She calms down after I catch her & she loves to snuggle & hide her head in the crook of my arm. Don't give up. The advice I got was the more you hold & love them, the more they will like you. I also give them food 1st from my hand :).
X1lclem - Yes, they seemed to adapt to it great! My boyfriend (who takes care of them during the week) said that they drank half the bucket already.

Sorry Firsttimeduckymom, not trying to hyjack your thread! I'm glad they are doing better! And yes, I love watching mine slurp up wormies and such! LOL!
Something is wrong. Look at it from their perspective. Is the tub too high for them to get in. If it is more than 4 inches -- it is too high. Sassy wren

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