Help! Easter Egger hen or roo?

I know how integrating one bird is. Our friends just had to get rid of their chicken (others were killed by a predator), and so we took her. She's part of the family now, but it was definitely a long and difficult process. Do you think it would be worth posting in the "buy,sell,trade" section and see if anyone could take my roo and give me a pullet? I feel horrible asking this because I feel like I'm abandoning my chicken, but it's all I can think of without running the risk of neighbors complaining to the city about my having a rooster. I know the minute he starts crowing, there will be a complaint from a specific neighbor down the street who can't seem to tolerate anything from anyone. You see them sitting outside at night and waiting to call the police on people making noise after 10:00 at night. I can't stand them, but unfortunately can't make them move either. :/
You could try, but most people wont trade a pullet for a rooster. I know the only way I would trade a pullet for a rooster is if that rooster was a good quality pure breed of a hard to find breed that I need. Wait a few more weeks to see if it is a rooster first, then decide.
Ok, so I'm going to wait to find out if it's a hen or a roo. What should I watch for to be able to tell? And do people have much luck selling roosters, or do they typically not get purchased?
Ok, so I'm going to wait to find out if it's a hen or a roo. What should I watch for to be able to tell? And do people have much luck selling roosters, or do they typically not get purchased?

I have had very good luck rehoming roosters for free on craigslist. Any that don't find homes get processed for our freezer.
Typically an Easter Egger Roo will have a pea comb comprised of 3 vertical rows of peas. An Easter Egger pullet on the other hand will have a pea comb comprised of 1 single vertical row of peas.The older they get the more pronounced the comb gets and the more obvious it becomes to tell if it's a roo or pullet. On yours it's a bit difficult to tell what the comb looks like. Here is a link called "How to Know Before they Crow" that might help you identify it's gender. Good luck with your little dude or dudette .
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Thankyou for the link KiesterChicken!!! I'm thinking cockerel, though I'd like not to. I'm going to wait a couple weeks until I can tell for sure, and then I will post in the "buy,sell,trade" section to find someone to take him-that is if it even ends up being a boy. I will also get a clearer picture of the chicks comb and post it. Thank you guys for continuing to help me!

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