help egg bound or broody?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 6, 2008
Ray City, GA
My black sex link chicken is straining like she needs to lay an egg. I have checked her out and I can't feel a egg or anything. I new to having chickens. I gave her a warm bath and she seemed like she liked it .. she has eaten a little but not herself and she wants no water .. i put her in the quiet pen with food and water of course and some heat pads ... can anyone tell me where exactly to feel for the egg? i hope i don't sound stupid but maybe i am just not checking the right places... i hope someone can help me ... thank you ...lacey
can anyone please help me .. i have looked on websites on here for old advice ... i have checked her vent and i feel nothing .....please we don't have any vets that will check chickens .. she is my baby ....
I'm in the same boat...but mine's a red sex link. Bottom line sometimes you can't feel the egg, yet she can be egg bound. My white leghorn did this off and on the first month....she lays a lot of double eggs too, but she is fine. sammi recommended oatmeal made with water, layer mash, egg yolk with some crushed tums the exact ratio you can get off my thread sick hen. Apparently this gives nutrition and helps push egg out...hasn't worked my hen won't eat, she will drink. The heating pad seems to help. They also recomend vitamens/electrolytes as this really helps as it can take a couple of days
Feel the front of her tummy for an egg rather than in the vent.

How long has it been since she laid?
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In straining I mean , I can see her vent moving in and out ... she does it non stop..when watching her... it has been 2 days since she has layed ... she has a bare chest now .. no feathers .. but the rest of her is beautiful ... she is not panting but all she wants to do is just sit ... she ruffles her feathers when i go to touch her .. this little shriek ... like a warning .. she is eating but not a lot .. and i have yet to see her drink .. i am going to get vitamins and try that food 3 sisters farm suggested ... i felt the front of her .. and i feel nothing ..
ya .. see i just don't know .. to me after searching the web and back yard .. she has symptoms of eggbound and broody ... like eggbound .. she doesn't wanna walk .. looks like she is in pain .. but broody .. shrieks at me and ruffles her feathers ... i am so confused .. if she is broody that would be wonderful ,lol
sort of like a penguin .. she won't walk for me .. she just lays down ... but she shows no signs of being tired or anything like that ... she is just calm sitting there ... 2 days ago

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