We are very confused too! We have seen lots of sick chickens in our day, but not this. She said that one minute they are standing and fine and the next minute they are on their backs dead! I just hate it, mostly because of my nephew, he's only 5!
Okay, here I am! The horrible twin sister! Here is the scoop. Got them Monday, 45, 6 DOA, Bantams. Lost another 8 over night and then now we are at 29 confirmed dead, 5 hangin on fer dear life???? and 9 up and eating and drinking and doing fine.

Here is what happens, they are all up eating, now non medicated food, changed it about 3 hours ago. then they lay down under the lamp and act like they are sunning themselves and never get up, the next thing I know, they are dead.

Clean water and the temp is 105 in the hottest part of the 4 foot long brooder and heateed only on 1 side, so they can get away from the heat if they don't like it.
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I'm so sorry
I wish there was something i could say or do but i just can only think maybe a bad reaction to the vaccinations is all.
But that may not be right it really sounds like poisoning but i know thats not possible either.

I'm so sorry

I hope you don't lose them all

I just lost 63 eggs to a power outage and i know it hurts to lose our animals and no hurt is too small my thoughts are with you
Murray said they would replace the Bantams which is good b/c I don't know any where else to get the d'uccles. and now they are just dwindling. I have lost over 1/2 of them!
I have it seperated, so they can get away from the heat or go to it. If I hold them up to the water, they will drink, but not by themselves. I don't know what to do!
We spoke to a vet and it is not an overdose, could it be shipment stress? It was cold on Monday when we got them. I hope the rest don't die. My son is already planning his trip to heaven to see them!
okay, i am running back and forth from the bed room to the living room I have 3 more down. I held them to the water and they drink, but won't get up and eat.

the hatchery said to give sugar water which i just did, to help. what do you think of that? Quick chicked them for the fist two days. Where is everyone?

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