HELP!!first Chicken coop winterizing


10 Years
Nov 30, 2009
I am planning to build a small coop for two or three chickens but I live in northern Maine like 30 minutes from Canada. I was told a good chicken coop needs air flow but to still be warm for them. How would i do this, to prevent them from frost bite?
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Hi, welcome to BYC!

I have a page about exactly that issue -- see link in .sig below -- but the readers' digest version for wintertime use is: put some vents high atop the wall (preferably tucked up under the roof overhang) on one or ideally several usually-downwind walls, with a flap to enable you to adjust how open they are at any given time. Then put the roost somewhere not right near 'em. And you should be good.

Good luck, have fun,

Deep litter method really great anywhere, but especially in northern states, Canada. Insulates floor. Good whether dirt or raised wooden floor. Vents to all directions but probably close off W and N vents until April or May. Not a bad idea to insulate walls. If no time this year, staple large sheets of cardboard to wall studs. The dead air space will help. Flat broad roosts to avoid frostbitten toes. Lots of windows for light helps egg production to not go so flat. Can do clear 4 mil plastic over those for thermopane effect. Why so late?
thanks! haa i was supposed to get some chickens ealier this year but things came up so i'm getting them this year from a friend, he's moving giving away some of his chickens to family and friends
Then these chickens will already be acclimated to living in a coop outdoors in your local temperatures -- that's great.

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