Help! Found a dove


Dec 13, 2018
Port of Los Angeles, CA
View attachment 1722037 My mother in law found a dove in her yard. She lives a couple miles from me. She brought it to me. I flipped out because we are in la county and under quarantine.

I put it on a dog crate in an area no where near my birds. It is a very calm dove. One eye is injured. There are crusty barnacle like growths on it’s beak.

It is not having any respitory issues and appears healthy other than the eye.

Is there anyone who can tell me if the stuff on his beak is unusual? I posted a notice on next door in case it’s a pet, otherwise I’ll find a wildlife not sure what to do with it due to the quarantine.

Thank you!

It’s lookimg much better today _ took bird to vet it’s underweight had mites and live one bone in its wing may be broken but the other is stabilizing it however it’s bruised- vet gave it pain shot and revolution but didn’t tell me male female or what kind it is pics above are from today Sunday and today
View attachment 1725521 View attachment 1725520 View attachment 1725516 View attachment 1722037 My mother in law found a dove in her yard. She lives a couple miles from me. She brought it to me. I flipped out because we are in la county and under quarantine.

I put it on a dog crate in an area no where near my birds. It is a very calm dove. One eye is injured. There are crusty barnacle like growths on it’s beak.

It is not having any respitory issues and appears healthy other than the eye.

Is there anyone who can tell me if the stuff on his beak is unusual? I posted a notice on next door in case it’s a pet, otherwise I’ll find a wildlife not sure what to do with it due to the quarantine.

Thank you!

It’s lookimg much better today _ took bird to vet it’s underweight had mites and live one bone in its wing may be broken but the other is stabilizing it however it’s bruised- vet gave it pain shot and revolution but didn’t tell me male female or what kind it is pics above are from today Sunday and today
She's beautiful :love
Good job helping it! It appears to be a domestic one. So don't release it back in the wild! I can't see it's eye, so I can't make a call on that. In the meantime, feed it wild bird seed, or chicken scratch feed. And give it water, thats atleast one inch deep. Again, this is someone's domestic PIGEON, so please don't let it go! Good job saving it!
Can you post a picture of the injured eye?
I can see in one of the pictures it looks like it has very long wings, maybe some kind of high flying breed?
good call, likely a high flyer, or an ice pigeon, if it has feathered feet?

and yes, the barnacle things are the cere, and the bigger they are, the older the bird, so you have an old one Luckyclucky.
Does she have pigeons in the area at all? It might be a member of a feral flock. All the pigeons in most areas are feral pigeons descended from ones that were released after a 'boom' of people keeping pigeons. Sometimes they come out pretty fancy-looking. Either way, don't release it, it's not a wild bird.
Wildlife rehabbers are unlikely to take pigeons (or domestic doves) because they are considered a 'nuisance' bird in urban areas and are not truly wild animals. If you would like more info about keeping a house / aviary pigeon, or if you would like to find a new home for the bird, I know Palomacy has a facebook group & they are California-based.

Thank you for rescuing the fellow! :)
Well when I checked here there was nothing and now today a lot of stuff that was apparently there the whole time. How weird. So here's the scoop.

I kept it in a dog crate in our employee restroom for 3 days until I had a vet appt. Til then I used the eye antibiotic I had on hand (checked w a vet online first) and used the mite spray I had made for my chickens diluted on a wet rag twice a day. the eye drops are tobramycin.

the mite spray is fractionated coconut oil and tea tree oil which she diluted to a safe amount for birds. beak and crusties got dramatically better over the 3 days, eye still looked gross.

Went to the vet appt. It is a wild bird, no band. It had broken wing where 2 bones meet to make a V? you could see VERY large dark bruising there. I had never looked there because - well I'm not a vet and didn't know to look. It had mites and lice. they gave it revolution and a pain shot. yep it had pigeon pox. it looks a LOT better now. the eye is still yuck.

I had to judge a dog show this weekend so my bff (aka peeper mcnugget chicken brooder/ whelper) bird sat. her husband was a president of a local bird club. the bird that we now call Petey the pigeon even though it could be a girl likes him and has learned to play dead for him - click and treat.

I will load up pics from the iphone in the next post. TY somuch for responding. Wild life rescue said they WOULD help before I took the bird to the vet, but after I got vet info, and called them back they never called me back again. probably other 911s to deal with.

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