Help Gosling not looking good!


my little roman baby is the watchdog of the group, anything out of the ordinary she goes off like a siren. Well she started screaming for me to come help the baby when she flipped over on her back, and now look shes trying to comfort her. What a good sibling!
they have been really good hunters and have been eating little bugs that come in at night and fly around the light, they are like tiny moths. could that have made her sick. She is shaking her head alot. Could she have gotten water in her ear causing her equalibrium to be off? Im just drawing straws here....??
Just trying to think WHAT could be wrong? Did you notice any symptoms earlier, like diarrhea, lack of appetite? Could they have gotten into anything they shouldn't have?

I wish I knew what to say -- its hard with little ones like that. In just the last year, I've had ones that looked good at hatch just go downhill, and ones that got sick which I sure would die perk up and look fine a few hours later. In particular, last year, I had one quail that had diarrhea and was droopy and falling over kind of like yours, and it was one of my favorites, sort of a cafe au lait coloration. I was sure it was going to die, but I did the warmth/electrolytes and tetracycline thing, and in about 4 or 5 hours it was back to normal almost.
Probably not -- mine grabbed an Isabella moth the other day (what woolly bears grow into) -- they're toxic, which is why the bright coloration, but taste bad, and shook it off.

I wouldn't think water in the ear per se, but some kind of infection is possible I guess.
they were all fine a few hrs ago. they are in the rubbermaid tub and the only thing in there is their food bowl, water bowl a thermometer which they never touched and i do have shavings in the bottom for litter. They dont really like to eat their food off of that if it spills so i dont think she ate any of that. I have been feeding them grass the last couple days, but havent today yet. I have been going out and getting only the nice softer grass and taking the scissors and cutting it really small pieces and putting it in a bowl of water for them. They love eating it out of the water and it doesnt dry out that way. The other 2 are cuddled around her in the corner now. I dont think it was too warm
omg, went to go get the syringe to mix up something to give her and she died, stiff and all. never seen an animal die and be still like that instantly. ?????????
Aw, I'm so sorry. I'd still go get some duramycin/tetracycline and put it in the water for the other 2, just in case. Poor little thing. Hard to say what went wrong.

Yeah, I had one of mine die a couple of weeks ago, hatched, looked good, and wouldn't eat or drink, lasted about 3 days. It's hard.
this is just soo sad, she was the strongest of all 3 and is over a week now. I hope the other 2 will be ok. I'll have hubby stop at store on his way home from work. Thanks for trying to help
i know im soo hearbroken, i even saved her shell as she was my first hatch ever. Lets pray all the rest will be just fine.

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