HELP- Guinea Flown The Coop!


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Nov 3, 2020
The Emerald Isle
My Coop
My Coop
So, my guineas usually sleep on top of the chicken coop. I come and put them in the coop at night.

Tonight, they were on top of the covered run. When this happens I usually let them sleep there as they are higher than predators ca reach. But when they saw me coming to put the other chickens in, one flew over 12 feet upwards into a tree.
The other flew away out of the larger run.

I got guinea no.2 in no problem, she returned to top of run calling for her sister.
Guinea no.1 panicked and flew a full 60 feet into another tree, slightly lower.

Long story short, she's lost her tail and bottom feathers, fluttered away where I cant see her, possibly injured or even with a broken bone.
This has happened before, but last time she was not even possibly injured, roosted in a hedge and returned to her sister in the morning.

Its pitch-black and misty, middle of the night, I've searched with a torch there's nothing I can do but wait until morning.

Guineas are tough, right? They've been through this before! Help! Tell me not to worry, please!
Ok so maybe she's not injured. I was a bit panicky. BUT she's alone and cold and there are predators around AND so one's answering this thread!
Thank you so much!

Her sister will call for her in the morning so I hope she'll be back. I'm just worried about the cold and the fact she's missing a lot of feathers.
Thank you so much!

Her sister will call for her in the morning so I hope she'll be back. I'm just worried about the cold and the fact she's missing a lot of feathers.
The cold isn't a problem. The nighttime predators are the problem. There is nothing more you can do at this time except wait until daylight.

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