HELP! Hawks keep flying over our birds, pond, yard. How to scare them?


11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
We see 2 large HAWKS flying over our pond, yard, barn where our birds are. Is there anyway to scare them away and keep them from eating our chickens and ducks? Like a scarecrow?

Thank you!!
I don't know of any scarecrow. I can't do it but my old man put a turkey choke on the shotgun with # 6 or # 8 shot. It's a hard decision but when you are standing in your yard admiring one of your hen's with biddies and a hawk flies down and grab's a baby right in front of you, well then the hawk made the decision for itself. It has to go!!! Good luck with your problem.
It's technically illegal to shoot hawks, at least in TN. Dunno about other parts of the world...
I don't have an answer for you, Petitesphinx, but if you come up with a plan let me know. One swooped through my yard the other day. Freaked me and the chickens! I haven't seen it since, but I'm sure he's still around. Eek!
I had a dog that would chase hawks out of the yard. He was relentless about it too and I never lost a chicken with him around. I did not train him to do it, he just did. I have a new puppy now and I hope she somehow figures it out too and will keep the hawks away.
Hawks can be such a headache. We had them a lot in AZ - - sometimes they would carry off the cats. A friend recommended hanging cd's (we used the one's that came as junk mail) all around the yard. It worked. They hated the flash reflections. Good luck to you.
Cover your run and encourage the crows to hang out at your place. Crows will not abide a hawk being anywhere near them. Its almost comical watching the crows gang up on a hawk.
What about a hawk trap? I'm not sure if they are legal, but they work. You just put a large snap trap/fox trap on a tall fence post with a few feathers in it. The hawk swoops down to grab the feathers and snap, no more hawk. I am sure I will get some negative thoughts on this, but they work.
I heard to use cotton ball's instead of feather's. Like I said I couldn't do it but it didn't stop my old man and it is illigal. I now have 95% of my bird's in covered run's. The last 5% refuse to be caught.
someone said on here a while back that they hang cds around the yard, the reflection keeps them away.

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