HELP Hen started as lethagic and getting worse


Jun 1, 2020
SE Texas
Here are the facts and the list of what has been going on since yesterday afternoon:

-2 year old welsummer hen
-Seemed off yesterday. She was walking slow and didn't seem herself so I separated her.
-I went to tractor supply for antibiotics and water supplements
-came back and she was still walking around slowly and my husband said she was drinking water constantly
-I gave her two warm baths last night
-after the second bath i put a lubricated and gloved finger in her vent to feel around. Immediately liquid started pushing out on its own
-she ate a little scrambled eggs and a little yogurt last night but nothing else since
-i saw some liquid in her kennel that looked like white and clear. I didn't not see her evacuate it though.
- gave her one shot of penicillin last night
-Today she is no better
-she is not drinking water on her own, only when I give it via syringe
-She has not pooped since yesterday
-doesnt move around, if I get her up she lays back down and wants to be in her kennel
-today I gave her another warm bath, checked her vent again and during that poop, dried pee (white) and other liquids started pouring out. It smelled horrid and made me gag & I have a pretty strong stomach
-at the same time as she did the above from her vent clear and orange fluid came from her mouth and she started to sound crackley when breathing. (Liquid looked orange like taco sauce). I held her head down so she would aspirate and after a minute or so that stopped. Water/clear smelly liquid poured from her vent down my leg at this time
-her vent is pulsating
-she is asleep right now resting what looks like comfortably

I am not sure what to do now other than keep up antibiotics and give the water a rest because it seems that she has too much water in her. I actually thought when the crackled breathed started she was dying. I have read so much that I am not sure what anyone else could add. I am concerned why orange fluid came from her beak.
Is sour crop the reason for the orange liquid from her beak?

St first I thought she might be egg bound but nothing is in there other than what came out (poop, pee, clear liquid etc). Then I thought maybe whatever it is is also causing sour crop. Nothing i read about sour crop indicates she should be this lethargic. Something else must be going on. I just do not know what.
I should also add that I recently added two new chicks to the coup but this hen did not seem bothered by them. I switched her food from layer to chick feed slowly since that is what the youngest eat.
I would stop soaking her; she sounds quite unwell and that could push her over the edge.

Drinking constantly could be an indication of a crop issue. How does it feel? Take care not to squeeze too much, or you could aspirate her.

Can you wet some of her feed and mix some coconut oil into it? That may get her some nutrients and help lubricate her crop.
You said she doesnt feel egg bound but is it possible an egg broke inside her?
It may be possible. She has not laid in months. One of my other hens also has not but she is perfectly fine. That one and this one that is ill both went through their molt then winter and haven't laid.

If it did break then what?
I would stop soaking her; she sounds quite unwell and that could push her over the edge.

Drinking constantly could be an indication of a crop issue. How does it feel? Take care not to squeeze too much, or you could aspirate her.

Can you wet some of her feed and mix some coconut oil into it? That may get her some nutrients and help lubricate her crop.
Her crop feels squishy. Not flat.

She will not eat. I would have to force her.

I did give her some melted coconut oil via a syringe yesterday morning.

I think the crop issue is secondary.

I'm grasping at straws here.

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