Help! Hen with broken wing


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Mid Michigan
I have a year and a half old EE hen who has a broken wing. They have been in the coop and run for about a month and a half (tomatoes ripening in the garden) so I have no idea how this happened. I did let them out to free range for the first time in a long time, tonight. I noticed she was hobbling and one eye was partially closed. So I picked her up looked under her feet -- make sure there was no bumblefoot. Looked good. Then I lifted her wing on one side. That looked good. Then I lifted her other wing and she cried. I didn't have to lift it. It just dangle over. Now I want to take proper care of my chickens but I won't take her to a vet. If it is inexpensively possible for her to heal and live a comfy life I will do my best to do that. If not then I will cull her. I am not sure what all is going on with her, though. Definitely a broken wing, but she was limping/hobbling and her lower lid was covering most of her one eye. Any ideas? Thanks!!!!!!!
I too have a hen with a broken wing, it happened and started to heal w/ a crook in it. She still manages to fly up to the high roost bar. I feel so bad that I missed it when is first occured and now has healed odd. Good luck BUMP on the signs of illness??
No signs of illness. She was just fine earlier today. When I let them out tonight to free range, I noticed her limping. I am starting to wonder if I did it. When you walk into my coop, I have a storage area (the meaties occupy this space at the moment). You pass through the storage area to where the layers are. That door into the layers is spring loaded so I have to be careful not to get a chicken in there. The hens always rush at me when I open up the food bin. So now I am wondering if I got her and didn't know it. Otherwise, I have no idea how she got hurt so badly. Her eye is not swollen at all or tearing up. The lower eye lid is just closed half way. Now as I sit here typing and thinking about this. I think I did shut a chicken in the door today. I open the door and it ran back and I didn't think anything of it. Well, I did it, I bet, and feel really, really bad now.

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