HELP! I am now mama to 17 duck eggs and lost as can be...

I have stared at this computer long enough so here is my update. Yesterday afternoon I lost 2 ducklings but the other 2 seemed to be coming along slowly but surely. Last night the other 2 were chirping and 3/4 out of their shells. They were weak but seemed ok. I sat with them till about 3:30 in the morning but had to get some sleep. At 5:45 when I checked on them they were dead
I can't believe this has affected me the way it has but I am crushed. Thank you all for following this thread and I so hate this is how it has ended.
So sorry babe, hatching without a broody is always difficult and can at times be heartbreaking.

I have stared at this computer long enough so here is my update. Yesterday afternoon I lost 2 ducklings but the other 2 seemed to be coming along slowly but surely. Last night the other 2 were chirping and 3/4 out of their shells. They were weak but seemed ok. I sat with them till about 3:30 in the morning but had to get some sleep. At 5:45 when I checked on them they were dead
I can't believe this has affected me the way it has but I am crushed. Thank you all for following this thread and I so hate this is how it has ended.
I am so sorry for your loss. You tried harder than a lot of people would have. I wish for your sake this would have ended differently. :(
My girls and I are so devastated but the good news is my hubby said we can get us some ducks
WE WON'T BE HATCHING THEM! least for now lol! We would like to get a couple different kinds though. Is it ok if we get pairs of a few different breeds? I am worried about the drakes fighting. The shiping is so exspensive though
Alot of the ones I seen at the flee market here we mixed breeds. Any ideas on what to get? My plan is to build a large pen for them and place a few bright dog houses around to add some color bc we know the ducks care about that right... I have gotten some WONDERFUL IDEAS FROM THIS SITE! I have downloaded a few pics of others pens to help and found cute dog houses online. It seems to start out that may be the cheapest route to take. I plan on using pine shavings in the houses and not sure if I need anything in the pen or not but I am assuming not. Any thoughts?
My girls and I are so devastated but the good news is my hubby said we can get us some ducks
WE WON'T BE HATCHING THEM! least for now lol! We would like to get a couple different kinds though. Is it ok if we get pairs of a few different breeds? I am worried about the drakes fighting. The shiping is so exspensive though
Alot of the ones I seen at the flee market here we mixed breeds. Any ideas on what to get? My plan is to build a large pen for them and place a few bright dog houses around to add some color bc we know the ducks care about that right... I have gotten some WONDERFUL IDEAS FROM THIS SITE! I have downloaded a few pics of others pens to help and found cute dog houses online. It seems to start out that may be the cheapest route to take. I plan on using pine shavings in the houses and not sure if I need anything in the pen or not but I am assuming not. Any thoughts?
Nothing wrong with mixed breeds they needs good homes too, lots of wonderful colors and if you give love and good food you'll have them eating out of your hands in no time, word of caution though if you get more than one drake and plan on keeping them all together you'll have fighting as most of us can attest too. I have 3 drakes and a gander on about an acre of fenced in property and for the most part they stay out of each others way, but there is fighting at times, but most concern would be drakes and children unless a drake is taught right off that no human is fair game they will go after the smallest. just their nature. But I have drakes that are respectful and ONE that was raised by us and is not and has to be reminded almost daily he is not our boss. lol I only have Muscovy's so can only speak for them as well, they are a wonderful breed but can fly so if you want to keep them home and away from your neighbors place or out of the road you will most likely have to clip a wing. But they are quiet and wag their tails. lol just remember when building your pen and what ever house you decide on make it the best and most secure place you can because we have no idea how many predators we have till we bring home dinner[ducks] All the best with your decision and don't forget to post pics.

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