HELP I don't know what else to do for my deformed roo

Research the type of bandage material to use because they tend to peck at it and pull it off but I think you should give it a try for a few days and see how it works. He will be uncomfortable at first so give it a little time to adjust.
Have you tried using the wrap they use for horses and dogs and such (kinda like ace but for animals) a tsc near me carries it and Ive wondered if that would be okay for chicken use.
I'm sorry, generally the best thing to do is euthanasia when quality of life has ended and the animal is in pain.

I agree that this is either twisted bones or slipped hock where the groove is too shallow for the tendon to stay so the leg flops at odd angles,

The heavier they get, the worse and more painful it is.

You could try bracing or even amputation, but the outcome is not hopeful.

I have found the dry ice method humane and painless (not to be confused with CO2 culling in large hen houses which slowly raises levels to slowly suffocate birds).

Get a small bucket. Home Depot 5 gallon works well. Get about 1/4 pound dry ice. Place in bottom of bucket. Pour about 1 cup warm water on ice. Place some Styrofoam or cardboard over ice so bird doesn't sit on ice. Close bucket lid, slightly propped open to allow some gas to escape to prevent lid blowing. Let a nice cloud form. Open and place bird in thick cloud. Close lid.

Unconsciousness occurs almost immediately. Death within a minute...usually about 20 seconds. Wait until all fluttering stops which is involuntary muscular reaction. Wait another minute of quiet. Remove bird and dispose.

CO2 euthanasia when done properly is quick, bloodless, and painless after the first gulp.

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