help.....i don't know what's wrong with her :(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Taunton, MA
i went out this afternoon to do the usual water change, treat time, collect eggs, etc.. i noticed one of the two chickens we have wasn't coming out of the coop to say hi so when i opened the door to check on her i noticed there was blood splattered everywhere. she was laying down looking exhausted, so i picked her up to see where it was coming from and noticed her behind. i cleaned her off a bit, took the picture, and came here. she was out and about yesterday and i didn't notice could this have happend so fast and what the heck is it and will she be ok? ! :(

It's hard to see what is happening in the picture so I am not sure. I prolapse is when the inside part of the vent starts to come out. Egg bound is when an egg is stuck inside the chicken. Search either on the site and there are lots of good threads. Good luck!!
thank you, i am researching now. i feel bad for her, she seems so miserable :(

Can you put her someplace clean, warm and away from other chickens? If it is a prolapse, you need to keep it clean. Can you get better pictures and post them.
got a warm bath ready for her and a big bucket with towels and heat lamp for her to rest in. went to get her, and she was gone :(
thank you all for your help and i only wish i could have saved her.
RIP Gaga ....

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