Help i think my dusk is sick

Well so far so good
I let her have a swim when i got home.
I put her in the pool and put some grass in for both of them and she had a nibble at it,
she also drank some of the water. She moved around just a little.
She looks a bit better than yesterday, still not great, but a little better is better than not :)

Here she is, on the left (taken about an hour ago)

She is back in her crate for a rest. I have been helping her drink her medicated water.
She still isnt eating though. But i would think drinking is more important...yeh ?
I'd say at this point drinking her med water will keep her hydrated. They are both adorable. also you might try getting some frozen lil english peas and thawing in the microwave then offering some to her. Ducks usually love peas. You have Muscovies, my very fav duck. can you tell I have 13 of them. lol
They're Muscovies ? really ? omgoodness shows how much i know i thought they were Pekin.
How embarressed am i
I think maybe them being so fluffy yellow had me thinking that.
Oh well theyre my babies and i love em no matter what they're called

She went down a little today, but i have been nursing her and making her take her medicated water.
She is in her crate indoors with me.
Best sign i had this arvo/tonight was she drank from the water bowl on her own.

So still need prayers for her.

cuddles time with mum :)

They're Muscovies ? really ? omgoodness shows how much i know i thought they were Pekin.
How embarressed am i
I think maybe them being so fluffy yellow had me thinking that.
Oh well theyre my babies and i love em no matter what they're called

She went down a little today, but i have been nursing her and making her take her medicated water.
She is in her crate indoors with me.
Best sign i had this arvo/tonight was she drank from the water bowl on her own.

So still need prayers for her.

cuddles time with mum :)

Praying for you all.
They're Muscovies ? really ? omgoodness shows how much i know i thought they were Pekin.
How embarressed am i
I think maybe them being so fluffy yellow had me thinking that.
Oh well theyre my babies and i love em no matter what they're called

She went down a little today, but i have been nursing her and making her take her medicated water.
She is in her crate indoors with me.
Best sign i had this arvo/tonight was she drank from the water bowl on her own.

So still need prayers for her.

cuddles time with mum :)

So sweet..
She's still with me

She's a battler that's for sure.
I'll take her out soon for a swim with her mate.
Then add an update on her.

You've all been so kind and helpful and i so appreciate it
I don't know if i am doing the right thing making her fight or not

My Father is here and he says he thinks she isnt going to survive.
(he has bred and raced racing pidgeons for many years)
He said if i wanted to he could end it for her quickly, but only if i wanted to
(he isnt pressuring me)

I don't think she's eaten a thing in two days. She is so thin.
She is still so lethargic, only rarely having a sip of water.
Ive tried grass in the pool, watermelon and chick starter, all of which she loved before she got sick.
Ive tried weetbix and peas, she wants nothing to do with anything.
I think she munched on a tiny bit of grass in the pool this morning.

I think i might go get some mealworms and try them as a last resort as i have heard Sucks Love them.

If that doesnt do it i am going to have to sleep on it then decide in the morning if i am just making her suffer the inevitable :(
She wont touch the mealworms, i put one in her mouth a very gently tried to keep it in there,
she didnt struggle but when i let her beak go she just dropped it out.
She's so weak. I think it's time to say goodbye
She's gone

I am a realist when it comes to animals
but i didnt think this would hurt so much
She's gone

I am a realist when it comes to animals
but i didnt think this would hurt so much
I'm so sorry
Now you need to focus on the one left, she is going to be very sad and lonely, I hope you'll consider getting her a friend ASAP. it will help you also.
They sure have a way of climbing right up into our hearts don't they. I'm sure she felt your love.

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