Help ID my rooster breed?


9 Years
Jul 4, 2010
I was told "bantam silky" but the lady said she wasn't sure if that was correct, as he was an "extra" that was sold with her flock. He's really nice and is now a papa too, so I better figure out what he is!!
Any help appreciated.

Forgot to add, pardon all the stuffing around my chickens' feet. They're shredding a couch.
I didn't think he was a silkie, any idea what breeds might compose my noisy boy?
LOL When I first got my bantams I had NO idea what I was doing and didn't have anywhere for them to roost at night! So I gave them an old chunk of a couch. Now they have a roost but they refuse to sleep anywhere but the couch.
Well, he's definitely a mix, but what? I'm looking a my catalog, and with those dark legs, he is similar to a splash marans, I think. The comb though, is off, which is what makes me think he's a mixed breed......

He's a beauty and if he's nice, I'd keep him! You're lucky!
Thank you, yes he's very pleasant and is fertilizing all seventeen of my hens. Good boy! Hehe.

About the Marans - the other rooster that was with the lady's flock looked like a dark maran, she called that one a "bantam maran" tho he seemed full size to me. I didn't question her to her face about the "silky" because frankly, I didn't care, he's beautiful! Crows from four am til eleven pm.

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