Help identifying new chicks

Chicken Paradise

In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Central Missouri
I ordered a variety of chicks and can't figure out who's who. The chick who expired will be posted on another entry to be identified. I think I know who the black marans are, and of coarse the cornish x's, and salmon faverolle (fuzzy feet) but as for the others....
I am particularly interested in the light brown with the stripes; here is what I ordered...
1 ameraucana, 2 black maran, 3 partridge rock, 1 RIR, 1 red sex link, 1 salmon faverolles, 1 speckled sussex. The weird thing is, I don't have 3 chicks that look alike that should be the partridges! The expired chick looks identical to the light brown (red) with light stripes.
Photos taken before littler clean up for the day!!

Another look at the unknown striped chick.

Here is the bully chick.

I think my little ameraucana is hiding here in the pack!
Where did you order them from?

Last year, we ordered 4 or 5 each of Barred Rocks, Speckled Sussex, White Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orp and Silver Laced Wyandottes from Mc Murray.

The order was a success, and we got a total of 25 chicks, but they were nowhere near in the exact amounts we ordered-- we got more of some and less of others. We didn't mind, but it definitely took us a couple of days to figure out who was who, and realize our counts didn't fit what we'd ordered.

Could this have happened to you as well?
Oh, also, in your last picture, I think you're absolutely right about your Easter Egger-- those muffs are unmistakeable!

I realize the light can throw off colors some, but I think your Speckled Sussex chick is in the same picture, and is the darker brown, chipmunk chick two to the right of your Easter Egger.
The light redish/brown chick in the bottom right of the second picture may be your red sex-link. I'm no expert but our red and gold sex-link were identical to it.

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