Help! I'm looking for a dog breed that....

I will ask my parents about maybe doing split post fencing? Idk what it's called? With welded wire for our front yard. It looks great and is dog proof.
You might mean "split rail fencing." That's a term I've heard more often.

Some areas do not allow fences in front yards. You can probably figure it out just by looking at the other houses on the street--if many of them have fences, then fences are allowed. But if NONE of them have fences, then someone probably made a rule against them.
You might mean "split rail fencing." That's a term I've heard more often.
y e s
Some areas do not allow fences in front yards. You can probably figure it out just by looking at the other houses on the street--if many of them have fences, then fences are allowed. But if NONE of them have fences, then someone probably made a rule against them.
*record scratch noises* frick. I don't think that we have an HOA. I don't think that any have fences, though 😬
Is there a difference between cocker spaniels and english cocker spaniels?
Yes, huge. Both require grooming as well, but especially americans.

if you like the look of a spaniel and the temperament of a golden, get a Welsh Springer Spaniel. Very healthy breed. All the ones I've met (And I've met more than a handful) have been lovely.

I have to say, I am also a corgi fan, although I love Cardigans. I was on a waitlist for a couple of years but it seems I have a curse, I wanted a female, or a male in any color but black - cue endless black males! For like 15 years, every dog that found it's way to me was black and male, I had just wanted something different, lol. But I still love the breed and would have one in a second.
Yes, huge. Both require grooming as well, but especially americans.

if you like the look of a spaniel and the temperament of a golden, get a Welsh Springer Spaniel. Very healthy breed. All the ones I've met (And I've met more than a handful) have been lovely.
(at a glance) those look wonderful!
I have to say, I am also a corgi fan, although I love Cardigans. I was on a waitlist for a couple of years but it seems I have a curse, I wanted a female, or a male in any color but black - cue endless black males! For like 15 years,
:eek:That's such a long time! (I know, us youngsters with our instant gratification)
every dog that found it's way to me was black and male, I had just wanted something different, lol. But I still love the breed and would have one in a second.
What are the main differences between pembrokes and cardigans? Is either breed quieter? More friendly to outsiders?
What are the main differences between pembrokes and cardigans? Is either breed quieter? More friendly to outsiders?
Aside from having a tail, Cardigans are also bigger and supposedly more mellow (but still a smart, people loving, herding dog). They are also the less common of the two so potentially a little harder to find.

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