Help! Is she okay? :(


Feb 27, 2018
Ontario, Canada
My chicks are about 3.5 weeks old now. They have all been very healthy, happy and active from the beginning. However, recently one is noticeably inactive compared to the rest. She is laying on her side, sleeping more than usual, doesn't react to me picking her up and tends to be under the light a lot. She is a sweet bird, does anyone know what this could be? They have a clean warm brooder and are on medicated chick starter. The only thing I can think of is yesterday morning I gave them a crumbled, cooked egg yolk as well as added some sand from outside in a bowl to their brooder. Would this have caused this (I will feel so guilty if it did). Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks. (Photo attached)


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Do you have any vitamins? How's her poop?

Thanks for the reply. She is still alive this morning which is good but very lethargic. I picked up some electrolytes. I have never given these to chickens. Are you aware of the dosages? The brand is veoquinol and the instructions say 400g dissolved into 750L of water. However, this seems to be very general and is based on all livestock. This seems like too much to me for baby chicks. How much do you recommend? Also her poop is a bit runny, but not terribly.
I always stick with save a chick electrolytes and probiotics just bc they a pre-measured and I have had great luck with them.
2 next steps could be...

B-12 gel on her tongue. I get that at a feed store, but I can't always find it.

Also, there is an antibiotic called oxytetracyclin and you can get it at tractor supply. It's pretty mild and has worked well for me. I've never used it this young before. You'll have to look up the dosage. I usually inject it, but I think you can give it orally as well.

Can she walk at all? If so does she seem to be using both sides of her body equally?

Is someone else has better advice please chime in and correct me.
I can offer so little on this experience wise, but I've seen lots of recommendations on this forum for Nutri-Drench for Poultry (or NDP as it will be also called) in cases where chicks need quick help. From what I have read here, NDP works much quicker than elecrolytes because it is absorbed differently by their body. Usually see people recommend a couple of drops if the chick will take it. I know that's not a lot to offer for you, but it's what I've learned from lots of reading here. Hope it will be of some use - possibly an option?

Here's what it looks like at Tractor Supply - so you have a visual of it in case you choose to go this route.
We had bought a group of hatchling Brahmas. One become extremely inactive to where he couldn’t walk. I added Corid the water and separated him until he was better.


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