Help Keeping Noisy Fisher Cats Away?

The Angry Hen

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Dec 17, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I've never had a fisher cat become a predator for my birds, nor my dogs, but I've been hearing them again just when I thought they were gone. I hate those things.
Even when I make sure the chicken coop is locked, my dogs are in the house, and nothing's weird around the property... it takes for me to hear them once and worry, considering the woods is right outside my bedroom window.
That piercing screech like a person in agony... I despise it.

What's the best way to deter these potential predators from my property? I haven't actually seen one, but I hear them rustling close to the house and know what they are. Due to this- I can't shoot at it and I'm not keen on trapping. Anything they dislike? Anything to scare them off? I plan to set my game camera up where I hear them to be sure it's not a fox playing tricks.
I dislike having to walk the dogs and get the mail the morning after they're around. I mean, I have defense, but only a knife for the mailbox, not a shotgun, when I first wake up!

My father and I are going to be tagging some trees and getting some wood later- I'm hoping that the clearing with unsettle them a bit from being current residents. Aside from this, any suggestions could be helpful! Thank you!
Not much will keep them away, but I would definitely look into electric fencing or using hardware cloth.

Fisher cats are nasty little things. They cry like an injured baby animal in order to lure in prey, it's insane the noises they can make.

When I lived in New Hampshire my friend had them on her property and unfortunately they got a hold of her cats. The noises that the fisher cats made will forever be engraved in my head...
Not much will keep them away, but I would definitely look into electric fencing or using hardware cloth.

Fisher cats are nasty little things. They cry like an injured baby animal in order to lure in prey, it's insane the noises they can make.

When I lived in New Hampshire my friend had them on her property and unfortunately they got a hold of her cats. The noises that the fisher cats made will forever be engraved in my head...

How awful! I didn't know they would cry like that.
First of all fishers are loners, they will not tolerate another in their territory--which is fairly large--except during breeding and, if a female, when she has kits( which are quickly chased out) so I doubt you have more than one. I had a problem with one killing pullets this summer during the day so they aren't just night predators. I trapped--using one of the victims as bait in a Have-a-Heart--and relocated it far far away. Not entirely legal but it was that or a bullet--not legal either but after losing birds I really didn't care. If yours are causing problems or you're worried they will, contact your state environmental service to have them relocated. The alternative is to find a trapper, assuming you live in an area where there is a season, to take it for fur.
Thank you very much for your responses, everybody. I appreciate the helpfulness and the tips. @woodmort I am sorry that you had a first hand experience with the predator and that you lost birds from it. I very well may take into consideration the notion of finding a trapper... I much rather that than having it relocated.


The Fisher may be protected during certain months... but their indeed is a season for trapping here in Maine.

Thank you guys, again, for all the helpful information!

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