Help!!! Lethargic hen

Thanks. Unfortunately, the things we ruled out with your response would have been treatable. That leaves cancer and bacterial infection. The latter usually shows its presence with runny poop full of mucous. That leaves cancer.

I need to caution you that it's not possible to accurately diagnose a chicken over the internet. We can only try to help you rule things out. We can't tell you for sure the hen has cancer.

One other thing I didn't bring up since it's middle of winter and unlikely, though not impossible, and that is coccidiosis. Since you've already started worming, it will hurt nothing to also treat with Corid for coccidia in her intestines. All this does is block the B-vitamin thiamine to starve any coccidia. If you have liquid Corid on hand or can buy some tomorrow, give her the drench formula of .1ml per pound of body weight undiluted Corid for three days once a day. This is in addition to the Corid water, one teaspoon per half gallon water for five days. If this is her problem, you might see some improvement in a day or two.
I was afraid it might be a bigger issue. I fully understand she can not be diagnosed over the internet. I was just hoping for some Hail Mary options that I had not considered previously.
I do have corid on hand. I can start it first thing in the morning. Is it ok to give her the wormer and directly after give her the corid? Should I wait a certain amount of time between the doses?

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