Help me choose a friendly breed to group with silkies!


8 Years
Apr 11, 2011
Hello Everyone! Awesome site.

I am currently doing all my birdie homework and getting ready to take a gradual step into backyard chicken raising so all advice will be appreciated!

Silkies really caught my eye and I read that they are quite friendly, quiet, docile and easy to rear and maintain.

We decided on two silkie hens, and I would like to have one large egg laying friendly, quiet, sweet hen of another breed to accompany my silkies in the coop for companionship and fresh eggs. What of the following breeds are best suited for the task? I worry about them hurting the silkies because they are so small, anyone currently have a grouping with small silkies?

Here are my choices:
Orpington (buff color)

Thank you everyone!
Brahmas, Orpingtons, and Wayandottes are all great breeds that will get along fine with Silkies. Australorps are beautiful birds but like to dominate smaller birds.

Cochins are also very friendly docile quiet birds, standards lay medium to large eggs, and bantams lay small to medium (same as silkies). Many people will tell you that cochins are dificult to maintain, but in all honesty they don't require any more work to maintain then your silkies will.
I have a GSL that was getting picked on by everybody. I got frustrated one day and tossed her in with my Seramas. They got along great. Now I have her in my 'grow out' pen with a pack of babies. She gets along with them as well and still gives me a huge brown egg every day. I love my GSL. Her name is Cinnamon, but we call her Cinny. She has always been sweet and friendly even though we have never done anything in particular to tame or train her. She is just that way. I highly recommend them.

Best wishes to you!
I would vote brahma, i have two brahma hens and a rooster mine dont get held or anything but these chickens are still super calm when i do have to handle them for any reason and i think they are soo beautiful to.
Thank you everyone! Your information has helped so far.

@Jason_mazzy, Serama's are indeed nice, but I was looking for a hen who would produce larger eggs. Are there any other breeds you think would meet the criteria?

@chicky_mommy, Thank's for the warning about Australorps, I did have them at the top of my list! Scratch that :-D It states that the Cochins do best in cooler climates, how would they handle the south Texas heat? The enclosure I am planning to put together will not be too large, since the city's max is three birds, so I won't be able to fit a fan anywhere, just a heat lamp for the colder months.

@BorderKelpie, what's a GSL? *sorry, I am new to this*

@melodylee, do you have Bantam Brahmas or standard? They are cute, I would go for a standard for the larger sized egg production. How frequent do the hens typically lay?
I have to disagree.... Every wyandotte I've had has been a nightmare... but they were all hatchery stock. I do NOT recommend them. They chased my "tender" birds down and it was a bloodbath. Their aggressiveness was only second to the production reds/sex links, and was even with the delaware.

My aussie girl is "heritage stock" and is one of the BEST girls I've ever had. She's my lead hen and goes out of her way to stop fights. She's never mean or rude to anyone, everyone in the flock loves her. Goes to show you how much stock can vary!

To be honest, the ONLY ones I would get off of that list are Marans/Aussies, both responsibly bred. The langshans are hateful to other birds, but not necessarily aggressive IME. Brahmas are food aggressive and will run other birds off from food.

What you REALLY need are some Faverolles. The sweetest, cutest, friendliest little birds everywhere. Not a mean bone in their body. They hate fighting and would rather run. Great layers!

Barred hollands would be a great choice. They are very docile birds, make good companions, and are super cute. My girl gets picked on, and wont even fight back.

Spitzhaubens, Polish, and Dorkings would be good choices. They will fight, but once the pecking order is established then they never do it again. Sptiz and dorkings will chase you in the yard to be loved on. My polish is standoffish, but even tempered.
I haven't had trouble with white leghorns. they will lay well seem to become flock mama's and forage well. They are not hand friendly but not reallt aggressive either.

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