Help me choose new chickens!!!

Of those breeds I just got BOs, Australorps, McMurray's Americaunas, and Welsummers. If I had to limit myself to just three I'd go for the BOs, Australorps and Welsummers. But they are all new to me. I've mostly had BRs and Red Sex links in the past. I want them ALL!
Are you in a climate that gets really hot or cold. That might help narrow your choices. (Sorry, I haven't read ahead yet!)
They are all good choices! If you want lots of eggs RIR are the way to go. My favorite is a RIR xEE mix.
With help from you all, we have 3 new additions to our house! We chose a RIR, Buff Orp and an Australorp! Now I'll be cruising the "Raising Chicks" section!

Thanks so much for your thoughts on the matter.
I've had three Buff Orpingtons (sadly two have died now though) for the past year. Before that, never owned chickens. I own 2 dogs and my mom also has one. I got them when they were a year. The Buffs were raised with a child before me and they are great with kids. They are fairly quiet. Fairly docile - some have 'attitude' at times
But all around I adore them. The neighbors enjoy there soft sounds. They lay at least an egg a day per chicken for me - brown. They love their necks scratched like a cat. Lily (the one I have left) wags her tail when I come in there. When they see me in the windows of the house, they start singing away. I can't say enough. They have been like 3 additional dogs. And I got the 'worst of the bunch' from my best friend when she needed to get rid of three. I just bought some chicks to go with the remaining sis that are New Hampshire Reds and [possibly] Welsummer bantams so I can't say anything about them other than they are cute right now!
I've had three Buff Orpingtons (sadly two have died now though) for the past year. Before that, never owned chickens. I own 2 dogs and my mom also has one. I got them when they were a year. The Buffs were raised with a child before me and they are great with kids. They are fairly quiet. Fairly docile - some have 'attitude' at times
But all around I adore them. The neighbors enjoy there soft sounds. They lay at least an egg a day per chicken for me - brown. They love their necks scratched like a cat. Lily (the one I have left) wags her tail when I come in there. When they see me in the windows of the house, they start singing away. I can't say enough. They have been like 3 additional dogs. And I got the 'worst of the bunch' from my best friend when she needed to get rid of three. I just bought some chicks to go with the remaining sis that are New Hampshire Reds and [possibly] Welsummer bantams so I can't say anything about them other than they are cute right now!
Buff Orpingtons
Barred Rock

These will lay eggs aplenty, have as calm a disposition as any chicken can (which isn't saying much) and they breed well together.

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