Help me decide which broody

10 point

country boy
8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
LaFayette, NY
I have two Buff orpington hens Carlos and Mackenzie that I think are both broody.

Carlos I know for sure is broody she's been in the nest for 3 days, but has never been broody before and isn't as protective as Mackenzie.

Mackenzie has been broody 4 or 5 times and is more protective but has only been in the nest about 12 hours.

I'm setting tomorrow in a separate hutch from the coop and need to know which hen to pick.

thanks any help is appreciated
I would put eggs under one that you think would be a good mother, or the one that has set on eggs before if either of them have
i'd just give them both small batches.
it's fair, it doesn't put all the eggs in one basket if ya catch my pun/drift, and less chance of them getting smashed or of one broody fighting the other for the babies... (also, if mackenzie decides to quit, you can always shove them under carlos...)

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