Help me name my 4th chicken!

My hens names are:
Isabella, Rosie, Ruby, Sophia, Sassy, Probie, Petie, Frankie (Francesca), Buffy & Fluffy.
Yes a few have male names but it just fits them! LOL

I have 6 new baby chicks & only 2 are named so far: Trina & Lily.
I need 4 more names!

I actually like naming one of them a boys name just for to keep it interesting. I'll keep that in mind. I kind of like Fred.
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There are so many good names out there. But here are my top three: Princess Layer (pronounced Leia), Kiah, and Kexas. Honorable mention is Buffy. When my grand kids get back from Disneyland I will have them pick their favorite. Here's to hoping it's your name.
There are so many good names out there.  But here are my top three: Princess Layer (pronounced Leia), Kiah, and Kexas.  Honorable mention is Buffy.   When my grand kids get back from Disneyland I will have them pick their favorite.  Here's to hoping it's your name. 

You could go the route of a friend, she is naming all hers from characters from The Walking Dead. Her 2yo roo is The Govenor. She even has one that injured its leg last year as a chick and has the name Zombie shuffle or Zshuff to combine them. (The bird comes to it too)

I don't think she really has any normal or cute names for hers and they fit too. The Daryl hen is awesome always finding bug stashes.

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