Help me narrow it down!

I liked my SLW...but so did the predators...them seemed to be the easiest catch. Had a nice NH once, pleasant and good layer. I have always been intrigued with Buckeye, Delaware and Speckled Sussex...but never had any.

Aw that stinks! Sorry :( one of my Buff Orpingtons got taken by a hawk a little over a year ago, fall 2017, so I now only have two when I used to have three. They seem easier to catch too and kind of stupid, they tend to focus on a lot on eating so they get separated from the flock a lot, lose track of their location seems like. Definitely think I want a little bit of a brighter chicken as we have hawks, fox, coyote, raccoon, etc. That said, my current chickens have gotten smarter about hawks since losing their flockmate and having one attempted hawk attack when they were babies. They now alert, hide, and freeze for several minutes.
My speckled sussex are hatchery stock. I don't remember which one. Currently 4 of 5 have developed reproductive issues. That being said, they are my friendliest of a mixed flock.
Leghorn’s kinda get a bad rap. But mine is so special & loving. She’s the Alfa and a nice and fair Boss. She now keeps the others in line verbally. She was never cruel just relentless until the others figured out she was Queen. She taught the younger ones and they look up to her. And I was just telling my husband when I’m out with the chickens I just look to her for predator reaction she’s super vigilant constantly aware (guess some call that flighty) she watches out for the girls. Super smart almost dog like. If you’re going to mix breeds and get one of different breeds (that’s what I did) I suggest getting at least one Leghorn.
My speckled sussex are hatchery stock. I don't remember which one. Currently 4 of 5 have developed reproductive issues. That being said, they are my friendliest of a mixed flock.

That’s unfortunate :( I do think I would like to try them anyway because of their looks, personality, and foraging abilities, and hope they don’t have issues.

Leghorn’s kinda get a bad rap. But mine is so special & loving. She’s the Alfa and a nice and fair Boss. She now keeps the others in line verbally. She was never cruel just relentless until the others figured out she was Queen. She taught the younger ones and they look up to her. And I was just telling my husband when I’m out with the chickens I just look to her for predator reaction she’s super vigilant constantly aware (guess some call that flighty) she watches out for the girls. Super smart almost dog like. If you’re going to mix breeds and get one of different breeds (that’s what I did) I suggest getting at least one Leghorn.

Wow she sounds awesome. May have to add one!!
Okay managed to somewhat narrow it down a little bit, I am definitely getting a Speckled Sussex and Partridge Rock because I want to try the Sussex from all the positives I have read and I really like my Barred Rock and want to try a different color. But unsure if I want Delaware, another Easter Egger, Welsummer, or Leghorns. We do like the colored eggs and being able to tell who is laying. Thinking maybe 5? EE, Leghorn, Delaware or Welsummer, and then Partridge Rock and Specked Sussex. But still not 100% sure. I want looks and personality and of course eggs, dad mainly cares about large eggs and lots of them and once I suggested it, predator awareness/foraging ability if we let them free range. Do Delawares produce well?
How cold do your winters get?

We are in Massachusetts so it can get pretty cold but not always. But usually I think we have about a week of really cold weather, like single digits, a year, otherwise it’s usually in the 20s. Sometimes teens or 30s. But usually 20s. So not too cold, usually never negatives or anything like that, but definitely can be cold and snowy, though so far we’ve barely had any snow and what we have had has melted. Do you think a leghorn could handle it here? I am a little worried about the big comb but some of my current girls also have fairly big combs and wattles too and seem okay. And maybe it may help in the summer? We get to like 80s and 90s here usually. Usually about a week of heatwave in the 90s, like above 90, but mostly in the 80s. Similar to our winters, a week or so of extremes and the rest of the time not so bad. We are near on the coast so the ocean kind of moderates it a bit. And the coop is well ventilated and while not insulated, is solid and warm and dry.
Being close to the coast does help a good bit in regulating the temps. I don't think the comb size should be too much issue. So pretty much not limited by extreme weather in your choices yay! I do really like my speckled sussex. They are good foragers, alert and listen well. They've remained the most friendly compared the EE and wyandotte.
Being close to the coast does help a good bit in regulating the temps. I don't think the comb size should be too much issue. So pretty much not limited by extreme weather in your choices yay! I do really like my speckled sussex. They are good foragers, alert and listen well. They've remained the most friendly compared the EE and wyandotte.

Yeah, I’ve noticed we seem to get more moderate temps and less snow than people further inland. That’s good to know about the combs cause that was one of my biggest concerns with that breed! But yesss! I can pretty much get any breed and I love it! :D They sound like awesome birds! And I love that they blend into the forest too because we have a lot of woods (surrounded by pine trees and some other leafed trees mixed in) so they can maybe camouflage and help hide from predators. :D

I think I have finally narrowed it down to a top 5 and I don’t think I can narrow it down any further lol dad and I but especially me have been working on this for hours :lau finally got it down to.... *drum roll please* :lau

  • Easter Egger
  • Delaware
  • Partridge Rock
  • Speckled Sussex
  • White Leghorn
We could possibly eliminate the Delaware but my dad said he likes the looks of them and we both agreed we wanted to try that breed. Plus I have heard good things and they were originally a cross between Barred Plymouth Rocks and New Hampshire Reds, even though that was 80 years ago, and I really like all my Rocks so I think they stay. Then we could eliminate Easter Eggers since we already have 2 but they are 3 years old and the color is starting to fade and one barely lays anymore (the other is a champ) so we decided we would like to have colored eggs. I supposed I don’t need another Rock but my Barred lays really well and is intelligent and I like her. Plus I like the Partridge color pattern. The Speckled Sussex I really really like their looks and everything I have heard about their personality, have wanted to try them for years (I wanted to get them when I got my original chicks but they were sold out), and plus I have heard nothing but raving reviews from all you guys so that solidified it. Leghorn wasn’t even originally on my radar but, again, raving reviews here, plus super egg layer and they lay white eggs. We decided we kind of like having a varied egg basket so we can tell who is laying and plus it is just fun. So, as you can see, impossible to narrow down any further. :lau I am trying, really, really hard, but honestly I don’t think I can and I think 5 is a good number.

But any suggestions for narrowing it down further or for breeds I should swap out and/or replace?

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