help me understand what i did wrong...


9 Years
Oct 7, 2010
bell gardens, ca
the first time, used my fridge-a-bator i used two fans, one small cup for humidity and my hygrometer always said 40%... i noticed that some hatched a lot more early than the others... so i figured the bator had a hot spot... i'm on day ten right now... about three days ago, i added another fan to move the air from the bottom to the top... it works perfectly... the temps are the same on both racks now... but i noticed that the humidity has dropped a lot... i haven't done anything different to the cup of water... it's the same amount... today, it went down a tiny bit, and it read 25%... i put a lot more water in there, almost full, and it went up to 30%... i'm cool with 30-40%... but i'm wondering where my humidity is going...?

i even plugged up one of my vents, but it doesn't make a difference at all... so now i'm thinking... maybe my humidity was always low in my bator in the first hatch... does the humidity hang out on the top of the bator...? that's where the hygrometer is at... on the top rack... no wonder i got such a bad hatch rate... the temps from the top and bottom rack were different, and now maybe humidity... fail...

tonight i candle to take out the duds... gonna re arrange my eggs a bit... well, now that i have a different fan, i don't think it will make a difference...
some eggs look more developed than others... hopefully, the 6 days of higher temps doesn't cause them to be more than a day more developed than the other eggs...

what do you think...???¿

hygrometer should be at egg level if multiple levels middle rack should be alright !!!!!!let nATURE TAKE ITS COURSE !!!
no... that's what trips me out the most... the fan that blows the hot air over the water container is the same as before...

i would think it would go up... since it's been raining in los angeles lately... i have been using a heater at night, but the rest of the day my door is open... and the small fan i added, is a smaller amp 12V fan... the other ones are 110V monsters...

thx... although, the other day i did see a blood ring...
but only one... and two infertile eggs... so i'm hoping for a better hatch rate than last time... it was 13% fail...
There isn't a chance since I am assuming it's a old fridge converted.... that the door seal isn't perfect and is leaking is there?
it kind of is... it's attached to a steel thermometer, and that's attached to the glass... it's about, the level of the top rack when it's at 0° flat...i can't move it though... and i don't want to glue it to a rack... they move a lot...

and i know... i'm patient really... today is day ten like i said, but i'm thinking about waiting for day 14 or to lock down... i dunno...
it only leaks in one spot now... but i'm tripping over the fact that it wasn't losing humidity the first time i used it... it was perfect really... but the air circulation wasn't that great... it has two huge vents too... two 1/2" holes on the top, and a small one on the bottom...
Remember, it's not the amount of water that changes the humidity, it's the surface area. If you need higher humidity, you need a larger water container with more surface area.
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it only leaks in one spot now... but i'm tripping over the fact that it wasn't losing humidity the first time i used it... it was perfect really... but the air circulation wasn't that great... it has two huge vents too... two 1/2" holes on the top, and a small one on the bottom...

Other than a possible sealing issue I am bumfuddled. lol. Maybe the air is moving too much? Like the second fan is forcing too much air motion in the entire set up. I'm trying to visualize it as you explain it.

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