
Dec 11, 2023
i have baby chicks and they won’t eat they won’t sit while sleeping and skin peeling off!! i don’t think it’s cold for them it’s autum and I’m sweating, they won’t drink water and when they sleep THEY TALK PLS HELP ME!”
What are you feeding? Ours couldn't eat the Purina Starter/Grower; the crumbles were just too large. Blue Seal or Nutrena are better options with smaller pieces. Baby chicks often sleep standing up with their backs pressed against the heat plate. Where is their skin peeling? Are they missing feathers?

Agree with JackinLarkwell, pics of setup and more details are needed.
What are you feeding? Ours couldn't eat the Purina Starter/Grower; the crumbles were just too large. Blue Seal or Nutrena are better options with smaller pieces. Baby chicks often sleep standing up with their backs pressed against the heat plate. Where is their skin peeling? Are they missing feathers?

Agree with JackinLarkwell, pics of setup and more details are needed.
I used a rolling pin and crushed the starter feed to make it small enough for the itty-bitties. Good to know for the next hatch! Thx!
What heat source do you have? Do you have a thermometer on the floor of the brooder? I have never had trouble getting even bantam chicks to eat Purina starter grower, but glad they are eating now that you made it smaller.

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