Help mean roosters


Aug 22, 2023
Hi I have 9 hens and 3 months ago I hatched 13 more so with my luck 8 of them were roos and 5 hens. So my white leghorn rooster and cream legbar rooster started to be pretty mean the white leghorn started just today this morning he was nice now he's horrible, I can't cull them as they are pets and I would like to keep them for future breeding. The cream legbar started being mean last week. What should I do?
Me, they are 3 months old
Well, you could try holding him alot and spending lots of time with him, or you could try knocking some sense into him every time he attacks, or you could keep him fenced into an area with the hens. You might not have much luck trying to reform him though. It you'd like to give it a try though I do have a few things that worked for me.
What should I do?
Maybe make a stag pen.. and don't hatch any more if you don't have a plan for the extra roosters as it's not fair to the ladies with a ratio of 8 cockerels to 14 gals.. that's gonna be rough on everyone.

Sell or give them away (with disclosure).. let them grace someone else's dinner table..every life has a purpose.. and if they're lucky only one bad moment/day. You can even state that you don't wanna know anything other than "they lived happily ever after".

Breeding human aggressive birds is highly ignorant at it's core, regardless of breed. No one would keep a dog that was biting them and call it a pet.. or think that's a trait worth keeping and breeding forward.

No personal statement against you, just general thoughts that you might consider.. Sorry you're facing this.. my first attacker tormented me for months and almost wrecked the whole chicken keeping experience.. I've had several good fellas since then.. balanced, valued flock members. These boys are already showing their colors and a bit young. :hmm

So my white leghorn rooster and cream legbar rooster started to be pretty mean the white leghorn started just today this morning he was nice now he's horrible, I can't cull them as they are pets and I would like to keep them for future breeding.
If some are being mean and some are nice, I would NOT use the mean ones for breeding. I would only breed from the nice ones.

Hi I have 9 hens and 3 months ago I hatched 13 more so with my luck 8 of them were roos and 5 hens.
If they are all living together, that is going to be very hard on the hens.
I suggest that you have all the hens live in one pen, with one or maybe two males, and have all the other males live in a different pen.

If you set up the males' pen so you can tend them without going inside the pen, that will also protect you from the males that act mean.

I can't cull them as they are pets
I suggest you re-think that decision every now and then, because your opinion may change as time goes on. Dealing with a dangerous animal every day, for weeks or months or years, can sometimes change how a person feels about the animal. (Not everyone changes their opinion over time, and I do not know whether you will or not. That is why I am just recommending that you THINK about it again in the future, so you can notice whether your views have changed or not.)

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