[Help/Medical] Budgie Cere


Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Berkshire, England

Are they okay? It was a little crusty last week but I just saw it up close and it looks considerably worse.
Looks like scaly face mites to me. It's really best to get it properly diagnosed and treated by a vet, but yes Ivermectin is generally the treatment. Here in Australia there's a product called Avimec which is Ivermectin for treating scaly mites in budgies.
Appreciate this.

I went to the local pet shop to pick it up, it's called Beaphar. It was £3 in the shop but £25 on Amazon..

I took some of my photos, my missus has some better ones too and there's a little vet shop inside so we went and asked.

Didn't take Pew-pew as it's an hour and a half walk and they didn't have any space for appointments. But they looked at the photos and he immediately said scaly face mites and to treat for that. If there's no improvement in 10-14 days book in and he'll make sure there's space to see him.

Got home and treated them both since they share the cage, they didn't like it but both seem fine now 😊 can tell it is having an affect of some kind on Pew-pew since he's much quieter than normal, still acting otherwise fine though.
How would he have got these? From where I bought him? He's been with us for 7 months now and it only appeared a few weeks back!
Have you gotten any other birds in that time? Do you use branches from outside for perches or toys?
My little blue one had it years ago and he was from a petshop aviary, I don't remember it popping up straight away either. Maybe they can sit dormant for a certain amount if time.
Have you gotten any other birds in that time? Do you use branches from outside for perches or toys?
My little blue one had it years ago and he was from a petshop aviary, I don't remember it popping up straight away either. Maybe they can sit dormant for a certain amount if time.
Not any more indoor birds and everything used in their cage is kept indoors. The missus sanitises it all overnight before we use it just as a precaution too!

Can see the medicine already having an affect on him, wouldn't say it looks any better but you can see how much it is irritating him which to me shows me that it's doing something. Especially since his missus had the medicine and isn't different at all.

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